Archived Oops, our Backroom broke. Can we fix it? (BR advice please?)

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Wow 1800+ errors, your store needs to get support help to fix your situation asap. Since your behind anyhow I would appoint someone to specifically start relocating aisles 100% throughout your entire stockroom, aisle by aisle. Short of doing the ever dreaded "purging" (noone likes that) relocating would be your best fix. It is important though to make sure who relocates KNOWS what they are doing, because if done incorrectly this will really cause alot more issues.

As far as SUBT 9999 this is best practice for items that are continually pulling during caf's. The direction I give my Dayside BR, is that before that do that, they are to check into why its continually pulling and not assume its for no reason. For your STL or ETL log to tell you not to do this is crazy, its counter productive.

Errors in the backroom the way the new system is set up anyone coming up with individual errors over say "5", is really not doing their job correctly at all and should not be in the backroom. With both my Dayside and Early Morning teams, and for that fact anyone that shows up my report with more then 5 errors is coached and if continously shows up they are written up. Sounds harsh I know but I would never let someone get away with that many errors over and over again.
Wow 1800+ errors, your store needs to get support help to fix your situation asap. Since your behind anyhow I would appoint someone to specifically start relocating aisles 100% throughout your entire stockroom, aisle by aisle. Short of doing the ever dreaded "purging" (noone likes that) relocating would be your best fix. It is important though to make sure who relocates KNOWS what they are doing, because if done incorrectly this will really cause alot more issues.

As far as SUBT 9999 this is best practice for items that are continually pulling during caf's. The direction I give my Dayside BR, is that before that do that, they are to check into why its continually pulling and not assume its for no reason. For your STL or ETL log to tell you not to do this is crazy, its counter productive.

Errors in the backroom the way the new system is set up anyone coming up with individual errors over say "5", is really not doing their job correctly at all and should not be in the backroom. With both my Dayside and Early Morning teams, and for that fact anyone that shows up my report with more then 5 errors is coached and if continously shows up they are written up. Sounds harsh I know but I would never let someone get away with that many errors over and over again.

My log-etl or tl, would be talking to new tm's on errors.
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