Archived Opening at Midnight on Black Friday 2011

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STL's got word in Minneapolis that stores are NOT opening at midnight. Same time as last year. Yet another rumor put to rest.
Any whos store had p fresh last year, what were your hours in p fresh like on black friday?
I think I drew the "short straw" and have to work the "long shift" that day in pharmacy so I'll be working 10-6 😛eace:
The boss just announced that we would be opening at 4:00.
He even said that he was happy it wouldn't be midnight so I guess it must have been discussed.
w00t! So glad it won't be midnight.

I just hope though I get the shift I had last year. That was awesome, I had a mid shift so I could come in early and do black friday shopping before work, and then not worry about closing.
I was looking at the holiday calender and our holiday hours don't start until the day after Thanksgiving this year. Last year it was the Sunday before. It did not say though what the holiday hours actually were.
got to see the 2 day signing the other day for this year. ugly as usual, and a little larger than last year. They make such beautiful signing for some of the holidays, and then we have this ugly green big 2-day sale sign all over the place. can't wait.
must be nice I haven't seen OT in years. The first couple of Christmas' I worked at Target, I was undercover re-shopper, for my first shift of the day, then zoner for second. I was working 50-60 hours a week. You could dress in street clothes and do re-shop for 8 hours and not get bothered. Now that was the life. Of course cannot do that anymore, it's not brand.
I talked to my STL the other day about the 12 am thing. She said they "would not" admit or deny
the idea of opening at 12 at their meeting, only that they would decide that at a later date.
There are 12 am times in the week of Christmas schedule. Not all stores. I'm not sure if the store is open or if they are overnight type shifts.
If it's anything like previous years, some stores may close at midnight during the week of Christmas.
If it's anything like previous years, some stores may close at midnight during the week of Christmas.

I think you are correct lac074. I have not been through an entire Christmas season yet, so I don't know every in and out.
My guess is they're keeping their options open by not affirming 4am or 12am on BF. They'll wait to see what everyone else is doing.
holiday hours are up. 4 or 5am bf, 11pm or 12pm close, open until 7 or 8pm on xmas eve, depending on area. however, it did say that official holiday hours would not be announced to guests until november 8th (i think).
Know for a fact this is false....there are a couple test markets, but majority of stores will not be mid-night openings
are there gonna be big ass decor like in 2009? Surprised it didnt take the tracks from the tiles down...
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