Archived Operators! Shopping over the phone?

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Jul 10, 2012
So I'm wondering how do other stores handle people who shop over the phone? I want to tell them to either drive here or to look online. I don't have time to tell you every color,dimensions and price of rugs we have.😵
That's why you should have a walkie to call salesfloor if you don't have one. Get used to it.
"I'm sorry, we do not provide a personal shopping service. I would be happy to assist you if you had a specific question about an item."

Who am I kidding.

"I would be glad to take half an hour of my time to handle your unreasonable request, and in doing so ignore at least ten other guests and let phone calls go unanswered. Because VIBE!"
VIBE! (And hl/sf tms + a walkie and/or dpci.. Not to mention backroom)
My issue is when I call another store for a DPCI check and they won't just give me a person in the department. Believe me, I know how busy you are and how little coverage you have. But I'd rather wait for a person to physically check in the department than have to worry about an extra person at the fitting room.
"We have a large selection of rugs with the <color> in the dimension you were looking for... Since we have several styles, I would recommend coming in to check out our selection, or visiting"

"Yes, we do have a few different sizes of LED television by Sony, Samsung, and Westinghouse. Since they have subtle differences in picture quality, I would be happy to assist you in helping you pick out the perfect one when you visit our store."

"We certainly do a few styles of ladies' patriotic t-shirts for the 4th of July. Come on in to check them out."
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