
I agree that putting the newbs on reshop is a great way to get them familiar with the layout. But you HAVE to prepare them first. So many of my recent seasonals had absolutely no clue how to use MyWork or the endcap scanners to find out where items go, how to read tags, etc. I had one girl in particular wandering seasonal for a good 15 minutes with a wreath in hand because it was the only one we had on site and she didn't know where to put it.
so this is probably a super stupid question, but i have my orientation this coming wednesday. when i was talking to the hr lady about when i could start, she asked if i needed any time off for the last week of march but not about anything else. i have a vacation coming up toward the end of october where i'm going to be gone for a week to a week and a half. should i tell hr about this when i go in for my orientation, or is that overkill and should i wait until a couple months before october?
so this is probably a super stupid question, but i have my orientation this coming wednesday. when i was talking to the hr lady about when i could start, she asked if i needed any time off for the last week of march but not about anything else. i have a vacation coming up toward the end of october where i'm going to be gone for a week to a week and a half. should i tell hr about this when i go in for my orientation, or is that overkill and should i wait until a couple months before october?
Earlier the better.
It doesn't hurt to mention it--she'll tell if you if it's too soon and, if so, let you know when would be a good time to submit it officially.
I missed my call to confirm my orientation and Ive tried calling back for the past three days the orientation was suppose to be today based on the voicemail they left but since they asked me to call back to confirm and I was not able to reach them I now dont know what to do, what should I do?
I missed my orientation. I showed up late and had completely forgotten to bring my documents with me. I was told to wait until next week and that they'd let me know when they were doing another one. How likely is it that my job offer will be rescinded?
I missed my orientation. I showed up late and had completely forgotten to bring my documents with me. I was told to wait until next week and that they'd let me know when they were doing another one. How likely is it that my job offer will be rescinded?

Not a good way to demonstrate reliability.
Hi, hope I can give some helpful input to you. Orientation’s sometimes can take a while to be held if your store leadership isn’t responsible with payroll. Our estimated wait time from your background check clearing to orientation is about 1-2 weeks at my store. ASANTS but if a store is at the end of the month or close and over payroll they will probably take some time till start of new month with more hours to bring you on. It’s all about payroll management.

Some team members have told me their wait time before being hired have been 1 month +. This was before I had started HR and personally I would never have any of my people wait that long. That’s not a right way to run the business at all!

Also, about the email. Our hiring system is the same for every store- automatic email is sent with whatever date HR keys in, but is never the actual date. We tell applicants to ignore the email because we cannot stop it from being sent, and nothing is guaranteed until you move to a “ready to start” status from background and/or drug test if needed (AP positions). It happens to every single TM so don’t worry about the email issue, it’s always been a thing since I’ve started HR.

You can always call back and check in to see if everything is going we’ll and if they possible are close to setting up a date/time.

Good luck, and hopefully you don’t wait too much longer!
I was offered a job this past Monday night and scheduled my orientation for next Tuesday. I guess that I have been thinking a lot about the job, since I have just turned 16 and this is my first real job. I have a lot of questions because I want to be prepared. What should I bring to the orientation? I got an email that says I need to present my passport, so do I take that along with me to orientation? And anything else? 2. Do I get my work schedule at orientation or will that be emailed to me after orientation? Do we get name tags and uniforms that night? And how many days of training do I need to complete before I start working? Is there anything else I should know to prepare myself for orientation or work in general? Thank you to anyone that responds! 🙂
Yes, you will need to bring a form of picture identification with you. You will get your work schedule during orientation. A lot of people will officially start work the next day and do a few days training/shadowing another team member.

You will get a temporary name tag at orientation. They will tell you what is and isn't appropriate to wear for work as well.

You can search orientation in the search bar at the top of the site for more information and to help you. 🙂
I was offered a job this past Monday night and scheduled my orientation for next Tuesday. I guess that I have been thinking a lot about the job, since I have just turned 16 and this is my first real job. I have a lot of questions because I want to be prepared. What should I bring to the orientation? I got an email that says I need to present my passport, so do I take that along with me to orientation? And anything else? 2. Do I get my work schedule at orientation or will that be emailed to me after orientation? Do we get name tags and uniforms that night? And how many days of training do I need to complete before I start working? Is there anything else I should know to prepare myself for orientation or work in general? Thank you to anyone that responds! 🙂
Uniform is jeans and red shirt target won’t provide that

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