Archived PDA/LPDA RF Apps

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Jun 8, 2011
[mod]Detailed RF App information is being added daily on the wiki. See Category: RF Apps[/mod]

This is the most common Spot RF Apps

APG - Automated Production Guide
BCODE - Create Barcode Labels - hit #3 to add dates
ORDER - Order Food
QMOS - Quantity Mark Outs
RORDER - Replacement Order

BCODE - Create Barcode Labels - hit #1 without date
MSPK - Mispick - Correcting Inventory with DC
MRSF - MIR Salesfloor Pull
NOP - Not On Planogram - Salesfloor Locations
RAIN - Rainchecks - For Pads & Substitute Signs
SFLM - Salesfloor Location Menu - Saleplanners Ties, etc.
SCNT - Return Scan Music & Movies
SEAS - Seasonal Merchandise Fill - MPG/PTM's
SIGN - Sign Creation - Floor Signing
SIGNT - Setup & Takedown - Ad Stuff

Pricing & Presentation
TKT - Create Tickets - Clearance, etc
NEW - New Planogram Pull - New POG/Sales planners Fills
PCHG - Price Changes - Lookup, etc
REV - Revision Fill - POG Changes - new stuff/replacement

ADCI - Acknowledge Distribution Center Invoice
BRLM - Backroom Location Menu
STO - Backstock Merchandise
CAF - Create Auto Fill
LOCU - Location Update
PULL - Pull Merchandise
Main Menu - Storage Container Apps
SUBT - Subtract Merchandise

Receiving/Reverse Logisitics
ADSD - Acknowledge Direct to Store Deliveries
CREDIT - Credit Vendor Merchandise
LPA - License Plate Audit
MIR - Merchant Intiated Returns
MRCAR - Merchant Intiated Returns - CRC
MRCO - Merchant Intiated Returns - NON CRC
MRIN - Merchant Intiated Returns Inquiry
MRST - Merchant Intiated Returns Starting MIRs
QMOS - Quantity Mark Outs - used in P-Fresh & Food
RECV - Receive Vendor Merchandise
SWADD - Sweep - Add Items

Please Note:
EXF - Exception Merchandise Fill was added to the All Applications Screen. No longer used in RF Apps.

All these functions can be done by number, just read the screens.

i know i am missing a few....
SWST - Start Sweep
SHIP - Tracking Pallets
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PDA Command's.

ADCI = Acknowledge DCI. Not used terribly often in my store, since DCIs can also be acknowledged on the Chargebacks PC.
ADSD = We use that to check in McLane's deliveries.
APG = Application for Producion Guidance. This is for creating a production guide report in non planogrammed area. This shows you whats been selling, what hasnt been, and what reccomended tasks there are for replenishment. Generally only used in the Deli and Bakery in SuperTarget stores. At the end of the night, QMOS will be done to the bakery/deli, and then everything that is available is filled. Type in APG, select new production date (and input the following day's date) and scan labels with "APG" on them. After scanning a label, type in how many of that item are in that facing.
BCODE = Print barcodes (UPC) from O'Neill Printer.
BRLM = Backroom Location Menu
CAF = CAF allows you to Create your own Auto Fill. This allows you to get product to the floor when a certain area is light.
CREDIT- Creates a Vendor credit for return merchandise.
DISC = Discontinued items pull, pulls disc items for either sales floor capacity or all stockroom locations. This function has been replaced in the newest (Spring 2007) Software Release by PTM.
EXF = Exceptional fills, this is normally used as a clutch when your normal pulls aren't doing the trick.
LBLP = Print or request labels
LOC = Location: Goes into the sales floor location menu and backroom location menu. It will tell you where a particular item is located in both locations.
LOCU = Location update. This requires you to scan a location, then scan every item in that location. Used to move stuff around in the stockroom or repair poor location accuracy. DO NOT USE THIS APPLICATION UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED WITH IT!!!! LOCU gives the user complete control over the stockroom location system, making it incredibly easy to both fix and create errors.
LPA = License Plate Audit. Used by Service Desk and Reverse Logistics Specialist to review what item each defective license plate is associated with to ensure accuracy. Can also be used to void out license plates, and is the only way (that I know of) to do so.
MIR = Merchant Initiated Returns
MPG = This is actually a fill application. It's used when a display is light due to sellthorough on discontinued items. A recent software update (Summer 2006, I think) added a task list that takes you through all MPGs that may need review. Completing this task list reguraly can help reduce backroom and price change workload, and improve sales. This function has been replaced in the newest (Spring 2007) Software Release by PTM.
MRCAR = MIRs that are CRC
MRCO = MIRs that are not CRC
MRIN = Inquire on MIRs. This will tell you if an item is on an MIR or not. If it is, it'll say what the return number is, or tell you that the store has already returned the maximum quantity.
MRSF = Merchant initiated returns for sales floor. Used when pulling items from the sales floor.
MRST = Start MIRs. This app drops MIR batches into PULL and MRSF. QA returns should be started on Monday, marketing returns on Tuesday.
MSPK = Report DC mispicks. If you have a carton containing an item that isn't what the pick label says it is, that's a mispick, and you have to report it to ensure that your onhands are correct. MSPK doesn't seem to have changed very much since the days of the LRT - for instance, you can't toggle to it.
NEW = Used for new planogram pulls.
NOF = Ties a UPC code to a DPCI.
NOP = Not on Plannorgram, its commonly used to correctly locate items on the sales floor. It tells you the exact isle location, if its an active pog, discontinued or not on plannogram at all, the POG number, normal price. Also tells you where signs should be set.
OUTS = You scan these in every department ever day except for the ones that research that day. When you scan it, it resets the accumalator.
POG = Shoots a batch for a pog thats been setup.
PRINT = Used for linking the pdt to the o'neil printers.
PTM- Has replaced both MPG and DISC in the Spring 2007 Software Release. For use in Pre-Transition Merchandising. Gives u 3 choices:
Tasks- Takes you to a specific POG and tells you it needs work.
Header Labels- Leads you through the store changing out yellow POG header labels for red ones.
Fill- Lets you create a custom batch containing either discontinued merchandise only or all items. It also gives you the option of pulling only what the original shelf capacity of the items was or pulling everything in the backroom that goes on that POG. You decide which options to use based on how empty, or broken, the aisle appears to you.

PULL = Shortcut to the pull menu.
PUSH = Determines how to handle DC freight - push or backstock?
ORDER = Used to manualy supplement food orders from the wholesaler (McLanes, SuperValue or C&S)
PCHG = Sets up price changes AKA Price Cuts.
QMOS = Quantity Markout of Stock. This has pretty much the same effect as SDEF, except you can mark out several eaches at a time, and give a reason for doing so (outdated, damaged, demo). Preferable to SDEF for those items that it's valid for, ie food.
RSCH = The research app, tells the system how much of an item is left on the shelf.
RAIN = Used to tie an item to a raincheck pad.
RECV = Used to check in all shipments that cannot be checked in with ADSD or ADCI. This includes most vendors and all UPS/Fedex shipments.
REV = Used for Revision Fills.
REWRP = Used to print out as-is repackage labels.
RORDER = Replacement Order
SCNT = return scan done every 6 weeks in entertainment.
SDEF = Used to defect items out.
SEAS = Used for seasonal merchandise fills.
SFLM = Sales Floor Location Management.Used to tie new pogs to your endcaps, remember odd isle numbers front even numbered isles back!
SHIP = Pallet tracking. Esoteric and only useful to receiving/reverse logistics team members. Enters an outgoing pallet into the system for tracking and transfer out of your store's inventory.
SIGN = Scan an item to create a sign for it.
SIGNT = Used for ad sign setup/takedown.
STO = Ties an item to a backroom location.
SUBT = Used to subtract items from their locations in the backroom.
SWADD = Sweep Add. Every 2 weeks, the Logistics team sends a sweep back of products that we have too much of. This is something that is automatically generated. Monday morning around 7am, it opens up to were you can go into SWADD and start scanning merchandise to see if you can add merchandise to the batch. This allows you to get rid of excess product instead of sitting on it.
SWST = Start Sweeps. Should only used AFTER all SWADD has been completed. This will finalize all DPCIs in the sweep and drop the batches into PULL.
TEST = Not an application used for normal store operations, TEST just echos back whatever you scan or any text you enter. Since this list is an attempt to catalog every function, it's being included anyway.

I copied this from the last site.
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Which includes the all apps stuff were not on my list of rf apps. Good job, talan.
Awesome list guys. Thanks for putting that together.
I saved most of the old website before it went down onto word documents and I'm just copying and pasting it.
UPCS - View current price or item and regular price while in RF Apps, as NOP only gives you the regular price. Helpful when already in RF and don't want to go to item search!

The Shift, 7 trick - Toggles over to a second RF Apps program window on all PDA's, including the L's. Or press the green dot/left grey dot on the PDA/LPDA. Useful if you are a SF TM and need an item's price and it's shelf or BR location and don't want to wait for Item Search, or are going to pull something with SUBT, etc.
The Shift, 7 trick - Toggles over to a second RF Apps program window on all PDA's, including the L's. Or press the green dot/left grey dot on the PDA/LPDA. Useful if you are a SF TM and need an item's price and it's shelf or BR location and don't want to wait for Item Search, or are going to pull something with SUBT, etc.

As a backroom TM, I would die without this function!
That is correct. I am salesfloor & love the rf toggle too. Upcs is price lookup, submenu in pricing. I used the numbers functions mostly.
Non toggled
Upcs - hit 5, enter, then 2, enter.
Sto - hit 1, enter, then 1, enter.
Subt - hit 2, enter, then 3, enter.
Sign - hit 4, enter, then 1, enter. Print signs.
Signt - hit 4, enter, then 2, enter. Ad setup
Pog - hit 6, enter, then 1, enter. Pog ties
Nop - hit 1 or 6, enter, then 3, enter. Not on planogram
Otherwise read the screens for the other numbers/functions.
Not that anyone outside of Pharmacy is ever going to need to know this but, RXORD is used to place the Pharmacy order daily
rf apps, guide

i just got promoted to pfresh assistant and i was wondering if you have a cheat sheet of the rf apps tips? ex, how to create a batch, fill, tie and rotation. All for sales planners.

Exf's are done on the color screen/all apps screen. Tieing sales planners, rf apps or black & white screen main menu, hit 6, then hit 1, enter your location, then Plano. Partner with your tl or trainer for proper training.
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Anyone heard from Talan?
It's been awhile & I'm starting to get worried.
Yea, me too.
Hope everything is OK.
He's wondered in and out before but not usually this long.
If a guest brings up a raincheck paper, you just scan it and hit "print rain check" which will most likely be k1.
But if they don't have it, you type in 9801 and then the DPCI all as one number.
So if the DPCI was 123-45-6789, you would type it in the system as 9801123456789. And then it should prompt you from there by asking
how many the guest wants and all that.
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