Archived Pension Plan

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Mar 20, 2013
So...I am in the process of interviewing with some other companies and I noticed some talk on a few threads about the pensions being paid out. It couldn't find much concrete info. I would appreciate any insight, or the link to a thread that has some good info.
Pension is fast cash for you at spot. Sorta like a bank acct. you can access funds without tax penalty. I would suggest hitting this before 401k. Just transfer the funds to an Ira or 401, depending on your age. You can retire or still work for spot with the pension payments. I hope this helps!
Don't forget lifetime discount at spot if you retire.
10 years & over 50 are the retire age at spot. I have to double check, in case of changes.
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I definitely have the 10 years, but not close to 50. Thanks for the info on the pension. I also thought I'd retire from Target one day, but I just don't see it in the cards.
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