Archived Perimeter check

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Oct 25, 2013
Are we supposed to be paid for a perimeter check when opening the building. I have never been paid for this and been told we are supposed to be. also what does a perimeter check entail?
Are we supposed to be paid for a perimeter check when opening the building. I have never been paid for this and been told we are supposed to be. also what does a perimeter check entail?

Yes. Partner with HR to get paid. Usually it entails driving around the building making sure no one is hanging out in the dock area or trying to brake into the compactor. Call the cops (non emergency line) if you see any cars parked. I would buy a flash light so if you see something you can make sure its suspicious.
I always thought that it was the opening TL that did the perimeter sweep outside, at least that's how my store does it.
I have never closed, so I assume and hope they sweep, but I have seen my TL, ETL and yes, even my STL do the sweep outside for the opening
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