Archived Perishables Assistant duties

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very salty mocha

no, we don't sell bagels here
Aug 27, 2016
Hiya, I've officially been a pa for about 3 months but haven't received training although I have constantly told my etls and tl about it. I was wondering what your expectations were for being a pa since I've been running our c&s trucks, following up with vendors and making sure we are steritech prepped. Are there any other expectations for PAs?
Hiya, I've officially been a pa for about 3 months but haven't received training although I have constantly told my etls and tl about it. I was wondering what your expectations were for being a pa since I've been running our c&s trucks, following up with vendors and making sure we are steritech prepped. Are there any other expectations for PAs?
does the ctl do it? Same stuff, just with less pay.
my ctl basically does the produce pallet every c&s.... I make sure both my dry market and c&s team finish the workload
At my store, PAs do the order, handle vendors, set endcaps occasionally, those are the main things they do differently. As a regular Market TM, I only do the order if the bad PA forgets or is being lazy, the other PA aleays does it. I also generally ignore vendors, only help them if they need shelf labels or something.
From what I've seen in my store, they do what the CTL does when not around - tell me when to go on break, put in the order, tell me my tasks and check in with everyone occasionally while still pushing and challenging out stuff.
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