Archived Pharmacy

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our techs about 38 hours every week.

The pharmacist I talked to said that for college students (which includes me) he generally gives them about 15-25 hours, so is there a chance to have a secondary job code? (I'd prefer more 32 to 40 hours, so if he gave me 15, could I get more hours cashiering or just working on the floor?)
One of our techs also cashiers & works service desk (guest returns, registries, etc).
Wow! We have only 3 full-time & 1 part-time techs. No wonder they're loving it!
Red & I need to get transfer to my pharmacy.
We don't have any FT cashiers, but have 4 that work 30+ hours, the other 2 & I work variable hours (I also does cashier/carts for additional hours).

The "Life of a Script at Spot" goes a little something like this:
Tech 1 receives script at window, fills out bag, and brings bag w/script to Tech 2 to enter. Tech 2 enters it into computer. If no "issues" (drug interactions, etc.-if any issues, RPH must review & override), Tech 2 "processes" script, prints label & information sheet & places it (with original script) in bin to be filled. Tech 3 (if 3 are working, if not, Tech 1 does this) then pulls drug (based on NDC), counts pills, fills & labels bottle, and sends all to RPH. RPH "checks" remaining label/bottle against original, looks at patient info packet to make sure pills match description, if all is ok, puts bottle in bag, then puts bag in bin to be moved to "release bins". RPH files original script.

Now, being in MN, it's quite likely your pharmacy has already made the transition to RedRx, in which case, some of these steps may be different. My pharmacy hasn't yet, but rumor has it, we should be doing so sometime next month. And guess who is "supposedly" the one who gets to be one of the first two trained on it (which, I guess, does NOT make her "favorite" tech very happy)?:soldier_girl:
Thank you!!! I am thankful that you are all so helpful and friendly. It is nice being able to talk to people that seem to be happy with their jobs! I know that this is all about Target, and if I am off-task, let me know, but if you have any Walmart Q's feel free to send them my way in a PM or on here, I'd be happy to answer. (I know I have asked quite a bit, so feel free to ask me away!)
well one of the benefits would be if you were a target pharmacy student on or before January 1st, 2012, then you would have gotten tuition reiumbursement, other than that, not much,
I have been offered a job to work as a pharmacy tech. I am currently a GSA and service desk. What are the benefits of working in the pharmacy instead of the front lanes?
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