Archived Photo Lab

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Right, I'll see what I can do as far as text only as I'm sure Target / Kodak won't appreciate me taking pictures of stuff while on the clock.

To anyone running a lab (or just lost on something): feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can help you that way while I work on the guide.
Knowledge is the key. If corporate will keep trained people in the lab. Give the department it's hours back. It will drive strong "profitable" sales in photo lab.
When the Noritsu Printer was pulled from our photo lab, it had well over 7 million prints on it. And at one point, we had a "controllable profit" of over 60%. What other departments in Target, make over 60% profit..?
Knowledge & Trained Photo Lab Teams, can bring Photo Lab back to a high profit margin once again.
Look at the amount of guests we help, transfer photos from cell phones... compared to guests bring in a digital camera or memory card... Times have changed, in the 10 years I've had the department.
I still have a large number of guests bringing film in for processing, only to have to send them to the local Walgreens.
The store near my house had it's photo lab removed over the summer...

Last time, I used Target for photos, the prints came out weird. There was an obvious problem with the color and everything came with a purple overtone. Went across the street to Meijer, and they came out perfect. Cheaper too.
I'm trying to get a "Poster Printer" for our lab, with very little luck.

I've printed "photo handouts" for the holiday season, in hopes it'll help drive sales. I "My Supported" why we didn't received Greeting Card Brochures, and heard back... they were only being tested in a 100 stores this year.

I miss the photo edits we could do with the Noritsu. The APEX is to basic, it's only good for minor color edits.
Do any Target Stores, offer "send out" for film processing? I turn away a couple guests each day, looking for film processing.

The giant poster printer is literally Satan. it's impossible to package the order, no one picks them up and pays for them, and if they do they get mad because its poor quality because your smartphone photos shouldn't be blown up to 20 by whatever it is. /Endrant

Also, to be guest service trained at my store you're required to be cross trained for photo. For the holidays they're giving photo hours, which normally aaren't on our schedule, out as a cover for people who are global on the front end to cover breaks and extinguish fires.
Right, I'll see what I can do as far as text only as I'm sure Target / Kodak won't appreciate me taking pictures of stuff while on the clock.

To anyone running a lab (or just lost on something): feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can help you that way while I work on the guide.
Is yours a dry lab? We do have a guide on photo lab in our guide section.
Yes, please do.
a lot is do you care to learn, and seeing it yourself.

i got thrown there with "just play with it"
when the machines said check ribbon etc. now i know what play with it means, but its really what you need to see be done.

its like anything, do it a few times and you can figure it out.
Yep, I am the photo guru at my store. My training was literally, "click the yellow buttons until they all go away." And then one day I got annoyed and asked the then GSTL how to change the ribbon/paper. And all of a sudden I am the photo guru because the rest was self taught out of necessity when no one else who knew how to do it was around and the guest was staring at me wanting something fixed.

It's annoying, because no one else is willing to learn. Everyone else is literally, "oh, can you do it, I don't know how." When I mentioned to my GSTL that I wanted other people to know how to do stuff back there, her answer was that there is nothing to train on. Argh.
Right, I'll see what I can do as far as text only as I'm sure Target / Kodak won't appreciate me taking pictures of stuff while on the clock.

To anyone running a lab (or just lost on something): feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can help you that way while I work on the guide.
Is yours a dry lab? We do have a guide on photo lab in our guide section.

Are you talking about the blank placeholder thread from 2011 under Guides > Specialty? Or is there another place I haven't looked?
Inside the span of a few posts on this thread (and others) it seems that a lot of people have no clue to how run their store's lab. Would it help if I posted a how-to guide for everyone?
Static sun was our photo expert. The guide disappeared in the last update🙁 I am sorry for the confusion.
On my weekends off, if the ribbon needs to be replaced, they put a sticky note Out of Order on the kiosk. No matter than I've shown every single service desk TM and GSA and GSTL how to change the ribbon and paper and scan for replenishment. It's easier to piss off the guests than take care of the problem. What did they do before I came? IDK. And I wasn't trained. I figured it out myself.
It's annoying, because no one else is willing to learn. Everyone else is literally, "oh, can you do it, I don't know how." When I mentioned to my GSTL that I wanted other people to know how to do stuff back there, her answer was that there is nothing to train on. Argh.

Sounds like my other job. Everyone comes to me for help because apparently it's a sin for anyone else to learn how to do their job.
On my weekends off, if the ribbon needs to be replaced, they put a sticky note Out of Order on the kiosk. No matter than I've shown every single service desk TM and GSA and GSTL how to change the ribbon and paper and scan for replenishment. It's easier to piss off the guests than take care of the problem. What did they do before I came? IDK. And I wasn't trained. I figured it out myself.
i make signs when it involves a call to kodak. there's only one i trust to call them, and its just easier to say its broken than hey its not working as it should.

call to kodak takes at least 15 minutes of trouble shooting before you're entitled to a tech vist. outside dead periods the sole service desk can't spend 15 minutes while servicing guests.
When the holidays are over (the week of 12/28/14 - 01/03/15) we've got zero hours for Photo Lab.
Anybody else have this problem?
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