Salesplanners are the planograms for endcaps. You can find out where salesplanners should go by reading the description or title of the salesplanner that will be at the top of the planogram or on the header label when you print it out with the labels.
The description for a Beats salesplanner in electronics might be "D115 02F Beats".
"D115" is the salesplanner number for electronics endcaps. If you were to look at Online Planogram and search by adjacency, you will find all electronics salesplanner endcaps under 115. It is the same for every department in the store with their own unique number.
"02F" is the part that tells you where to put it. It does not mean aisle 2. If you were to look at the floor adjacency for electronics (a yellow paper showing a schematic of the entire department; your PPTL should have these for every department in the store), one of the endcaps is labeled "02". A "02F" salesplanner should go on that particular front endcap.
The "F" portion means it is a front endcap while a B would indicate a back endcap.
Another one might be "D119 10B Shopkins". Toys salesplanners fall under D119. One of the endcaps shows as 10 on the floor adjacency. A "D119 10B Shopkins" salesplanner should go on that back endcap.
Placing salesplanners can be tricky. You can find out where they should go using the described method, but it may not be an absolute requirement in your store. Since almost all endcaps are the same width and height, you can get a little creative where to set a salesplanner if you need to. There are some basic principles you should follow I could elaborate on if you are placing them freestyle like that.
If your PPTL said you should look at online planogram, they may have already tied them in and they would just need to be set.
If you need more guidance, do not be afraid to ask the LOD.