Archived Planorama Captain?!?

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Just found out I’m a captain! I’ve been a GSTL for 5 years so I’m FREAKING out! I’ve got all of the POGs mapped out on the MRI’s. I THINK I understand how to read the MRI.

Can you guys help me understand what this captainship will entail? And what I should be doing to prepare?

Unfortunately the next time I see my store’s leadership is on day 1 of planorama. I wish they had told me verbally but I’m excited for the growing opp! Any help is super appreciated☺
Super easy! You’re just overseeing a team and keeping them motivated and telling them what to do next. There should be a fixture captain that can help your team with any fixture issues as well as a signing captain that can help with signing. I did it last year and as long as there are people who know what they’re doing it’s fun!
New store?
They should have guides under the small format tab of work bench.

Basically your duties include. Reporting issues to your NSOE(New Store Opening Executive) and also your issue resolution captain.
Issues you might encounter are POG footage issues(height or length). Reason being is construction sometimes makes adjustments that stores design did not account for. Ie pillars or electrical.
Your store director is responsible for scheduling you a team for day 1.
You want to make sure your team distributes and ties all the sleeved POGs.
You and the NSOE + your team will probably also distribute the strip labels.

Subject to change as HQ updates the process each cycle hopefully for the better.
Take it slow, and do the legwork for your team. If you think anything you do now could take a burden off someone else’s shoulders down the line, take the time and knock it out.

For example, you mapped your POGs, but did you dive into the POGs to make sure the footage is correct for each section within those POGs? We had a few where the MR1 asked for a 3ft section, but the POG calls for 4ft, which is obviously a big problem.

Take a look at your grocery section - we found that many pushers are labeled under a placeholder number instead of the actual fixture number.

Biting the bullet, digging in, and identifying/figuring stuff like that out now will save you and everyone involved a lot of headache later. It’s not fun, but it is well worth the investment.
Super easy! You’re just overseeing a team and keeping them motivated and telling them what to do next. There should be a fixture captain that can help your team with any fixture issues as well as a signing captain that can help with signing. I did it last year and as long as there are people who know what they’re doing it’s fun!

I remember my first planorama at a new express store and had to deal with brand new tm's working there. My biggest issue is trying to find all the needed fixtures since everything was scattered on the softline floor. The only thing we had ready were shelves and pegs.

It would help out other teams if there was a map that tells you where to find certain fixtures.

I tried asking the tm's at that new store where certain fixtures are, but they never worked plano before =/
I remember my first planorama at a new express store and had to deal with brand new tm's working there. My biggest issue is trying to find all the needed fixtures since everything was scattered on the softline floor. The only thing we had ready were shelves and pegs.

It would help out other teams if there was a map that tells you where to find certain fixtures.

I tried asking the tm's at that new store where certain fixtures are, but they never worked plano before =/
Luckily our district just finished a few remodels when I when we had a planorama so we had 2 fixture captains and both were previously ETL remodels. I could ask for the most obscure part number and they would know off the top of their head what it is and where it is. I would have to say that fixtures was the smoothest part of the one I was a part of.
LOVE planoramas!!! The one piece of advice I can pass on to you that was passed on to me from a wonderful TL-
When something goes wrong, and it WILL happen, don't get down on yourself. Think about solutions not how you missed it. Also when you get frustrated, and you WILL get frustrated, don't let your team see you sweat. They are going to take their cues from you. If you remain positive even during the trying times, they will be right there with you,
Good luck and HAVE FUN!
LOVE planoramas!!! The one piece of advice I can pass on to you that was passed on to me from a wonderful TL-
When something goes wrong, and it WILL happen, don't get down on yourself. Think about solutions not how you missed it. Also when you get frustrated, and you WILL get frustrated, don't let your team see you sweat. They are going to take their cues from you. If you remain positive even during the trying times, they will be right there with you,
Good luck and HAVE FUN!
There will definitely be things that go wrong! Solve what you can and pass on detailed info to your resolution captain or NSOE. Remember if they seem like they don’t care they’re just stressed. Being a NSOE is extremely stressful but super rewarding position
The more prepped and organized you are the easier it will be. Sort pogs into groupings and have them labeled with locations, i’ve Even printed the adjacency to put with each grouping in case there are location questions later, saves time from logging into a pc to see. Print labels ahead if you can. Read early set notes and make notations on the pogs mentioned. Know you will not be alone, planoramas are usually staffed with prime tm’s from other stores. Relax and enjoy. Planoramas are fun !
It’s a huge blitz to get it all done as quickly as possible. Plus new stores tend to have new staff, an experienced team will run more efficiently (they won’t have to ask tons of questions) plus they can help the new TMs learn more about POG workload.
is that because the new store doesn’t have enough staff to do it on their own yet?
You typically have 2-5 days to set the entire store depending the size. Also unless you’re in an area with a lot of targets the majority of new stores have a ton of new TMs that have no clue what a planogram is. TMs from other stores that know how to set will come to set the store while teaching TMs from that store how to set
I did that for my first second retail job that I worked at. There were opening a brand new store and I had to lead the team setting up the new store there too. I won’t lie, it was hell of fun!

Sucks when I left the company, I felt like a big part of me left lol since I helped put all the first pieces together.
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