Pricing and Presentation Tied Planogram List

Nov 9, 2014
Back in the day, there used to be a resource on Workbench that listed all the planograms that were tied and where they were tied. When the Set Workload tool came out, it went away.

Does anyone know if there's a new resource somewhere (Greenfield, Workbench…) that shows all the tied planograms and their locations (I'm aware of the Greenfield Planogram Set Ontime list that shows the Planograms that AREN'T tied)?

Bonus if it can be filtered to show all the 102 or 107 Planograms.
Hey, why don’t we have a yammer for TLs/ETLs.
Like the PMLs have it, why don’t we?
You can also go to green field , key reports, store director landing page and filter from there all incremental space and check lanes .

Correct me if I'm wrong, but greenfield shows limited information compared to virtual salesfloor and not as useful IMO. With virtual salesfloor, it's real time information and shows the aisle it's tied to, POG number, set and tied date, and the POG # is clickable, and can tie/untie easily. Greenfield is more for checking data/stats.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but greenfield shows limited information compared to virtual salesfloor and not as useful IMO. With virtual salesfloor, it's real time information and shows the aisle it's tied to, POG number, set and tied date, and the POG # is clickable, and can tie/untie easily. Greenfield is more for checking data/stats.
Virtual salesfloor doesn’t give the accuracy of the sales floor which greenfield does by showing you year today pogs that hasn’t been untied or tied.

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