You hit vendor, then the little magnifying glass at the top and type in the PO#, make sure it says the correct vendor name and follow thru like normal.
The first week the app was changed over there were audits but they were broken. I did multiple audits but greenfield was showing them as in progress and my score was dropping to red. I called CSC and was told they were aware of the issue and that it was being fixed. Then it was turned off the next week and they just haven't turned it back on yet so I'm guessing it is still broke.
But the last time they broke the audits and had to turn them off it took over a year for them to be fixed. I would be fine if it took that long again.
I had Coke and Frito.... they were terrible. The system is so slow and is not registering quantities entered correctly. Gonna check to see if it is actually showing that the audits were completed. The report hadn't been updated before I left on Friday.