Possible Conflict of Interest?

May 1, 2020
Today I was walking my store with my HR ETL, and fitness came up in conversation, so I mentioned that I was a Personal Trainer. My ETL seemed to be taken aback and cringed when I said it. He/she then asked me if I currently had clients and if I currently have income through it. When I said yes, he/she told me not to talk about it in the store and "definitely don't mention it around *insert SD's name*."
Is there a conflict of interest I'm not aware of? Or is it more possible that they'd be worried about me soliciting for clients at my store (which I'd never do)?
Has anyone had something similar happen?
Do they just not love the idea of a TL having another form of income?
Thanks for any info!
Can’t see how that would be a conflict of interest, but some Spot leaders do frown on second jobs (or having a life) or anything that interferes with someone being available 24/7 to be called in whenever needed. That is usually for TMs, but I guess your SD wants the TLs hungry and available to be called in anytime, too. At least your HR tipped you off to keep it quiet, must be a good one. Good luck!
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No not a conflict of interest at all. If you worked at walmart yeah. Likes their servants to be exclusive to their chains. My HR will never let me.live doqn getting a second job without their exclusive petmission. Im an adult that needs to pay my bills and rent. Dont sweat it but dont call trouble by throwing it around to much.
It shouldn't be. People have lives and shouldn't be at the spots mercy. Maybe if they payed properly and gave hours then people wouldn't need to get side hustles and second jobs.
Today I was walking my store with my HR ETL, and fitness came up in conversation, so I mentioned that I was a Personal Trainer. My ETL seemed to be taken aback and cringed when I said it. He/she then asked me if I currently had clients and if I currently have income through it. When I said yes, he/she told me not to talk about it in the store and "definitely don't mention it around *insert SD's name*."
Is there a conflict of interest I'm not aware of? Or is it more possible that they'd be worried about me soliciting for clients at my store (which I'd never do)?
Has anyone had something similar happen?
Do they just not love the idea of a TL having another form of income?
Thanks for any info!
You are not in a conflict of interest.

Its only considered a conflict of interest if you work for a direct competitor of Target (Walmart, Best Buy). Stores have been letting that slide because TMs are not making enough. Or other work schedule conflicts with Target.

I used to work for a TV station and Target in the early 2000s. I have friends at one store where one was a teacher and TM in the summer. And his wife was a TM and she worked at a CVS on her non-Target days