Archived Post your Total cartwheel savings!

How much savings have you made using cartwheel?

  • Under $100

    Votes: 6 7.5%
  • $100-$150

    Votes: 11 13.8%
  • $150 - $200

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • $200-$250

    Votes: 6 7.5%
  • $250-$300

    Votes: 6 7.5%
  • $300-$400

    Votes: 11 13.8%
  • $500+

    Votes: 31 38.8%

  • Total voters
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My lordt. I feel better about my spending, although, I'm sure if I wasn't paying Sallie Mae etc, I'd be shopping much more.

I'm at 397, missing 4 of the badges currently available to me. I wonder where I'd be if I remembered to use my cartwheel every time... or remembered to charge my phone.
For someone who works at Target, I don't really shop here and take advantage of our TM discount. That being said I've saved 119.59 but most of that is for guests when they don't know about something on Cartwheel or something else.
The most recent limited time only badge image.png
My favorite badge I gotten so far out of all available image.png
And then the lovely wizard himself in his goldness image.png
$2125.14 since May '13 with 42 offer spots. I'm missing 3 badges (almost to the Ninja!)...but one of the ones I haven't unlocked is the Well-Connected one. Which is stupid because I'm always connected to the store wi-fi. My husband is a greedy data-monster every month so I can't afford not to be.
Wizard is cool. I don't have the spring one. You can cheat help a guest with cartwheel. I don't have social saver badge either.
Some chick at work has almost 2k on her cartwheel lol i have 200 something. The damn social saver one won't get activated on mine even though i always add from friends
Anyone else have guests mistake the badges for additional deals and coupons? "Oh, no, that's not a coupon, it's just an achievement showing your progress with cartwheel!"

Even with Cartwheel I find that alot of stuff is cheaper at walmart or Cartwheel brings it to about around where walmart is. This is where Everyday Low Prices beats coupons imo. I only generally buy stuff when I want/need it and it rarely coincides with whats on cartwheel. That and I find the app to be cumbersome. Just recently I was looking at toothbrushes and searching toothbrushes would bring up some toothbrushes but searching oral would bring up different toothbrush deals. I shouldn't have to put in work to use a basic search function and sort through a bunch of crappy deals to find good ones.
Anyone else have guests mistake the badges for additional deals and coupons? "Oh, no, that's not a coupon, it's just an achievement showing your progress with cartwheel!"

You do get additional slots on your Cartwheel when you earn badges, so you do get something out of it besides fame and eternal glory.

Using the scan product or camera works the best.

This. If you're already planning on buying something, you might as well scan it to see if there are any applicable Cartwheel offers.
It's gotten to the point to where there's a few of us that check daily. at morning and occasional mid day & closing huddles we have a cartwheel discussion to help educate and promote the deals. Depending on the deals with carthwheel we do 7x11 signs I'd show the template but that would give me and the store away to easily
$68. I don't shop at Target for anything but food, and that's just cause I'm already there 5 days/week and don't have to make a 2nd trip to the grocery store.
The sad part is, dtl told us to stop making CW signs, because looks tacky. But, we still make a few of them any way.
I hate the cartwheel signs because it causes a lot of guests to get angry and confused. I explain to them they have to download the app and they always tell me "the sign didn't say that" even though it does 😵
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I check cartwheel for SL every Sunday morning (well, I forgot a couple times) and today I looked and the apparel category is gone completely. I'm hoping that just means there's no deals this week :/
I've only saved 34.29 🙁 I didn't know what cartwheel was for my first few months at spot
I check cartwheel for SL every Sunday morning (well, I forgot a couple times) and today I looked and the apparel category is gone completely. I'm hoping that just means there's no deals this week :/
I hope so too! The apparel category is my favorite. It was weird because there's almost always softlines deals every week.
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