Archived Prepaid RedCards

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For my store, the issue is technically money laundering. A lot of the people from my area doing it were doing 3 transactions of 1,000. This would be done for a few different cards not in the original guests name. At LEAST two or three cards. 3,000 is the amount in one transaction the IRS wants to know about, and if it's a money transfer, it's the DOD.

We're not taking third party debit cards (i.e. the moneygram debit cards, greendot, essentially any not attached to a proper bank) either at my store now because of said money laundering problems.
We've had Guests use those at my Store. Except we CAN reload them, we're just not allowed to. One time a guest came through my lane and walked me through the procedure of reloading it. When I told my GSTL, she said not to do that again because we aren't allowed to reload them. He came through my lane again, I turned him down and he started sprouting stories about how corporate said he could...STL said he could, AP and GE took him out of the store real quick though... 🙂
We stopped selling them at my store, but there are still a handful of regular guests who refill their periodically. Evidently guests weren't using them the way Target wanted them to.
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