Archived Prepping for a Team Lead Interview

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Logistics Team Lead
Jul 9, 2012
Can anyone who's been through a Team Lead interview give me suggestions or tips that could help me toward my interview that is coming up? I'd be greatful!
what helped me the most was coming up with behavioral examples of my experience beforehand. I picked examples from my past that could be explained specifically but applied generally, that way I could use them to answer multiple questions. (so whether they asked for an example of leadership quality A or B, i could use the same example for either)...

speak confidently, over prepare and dress appropriately. good luck!
I'm not sure if your interview is done yet, but use leadership expectations in your interview! Study those and memorize every sentence in them, and learn to use them in your vocabulary! Your answers will flow better with them!
ETLs and DTLs love it when you use the Target Lingo when you answer questions. I just recently finished 3 out of the 4 interviews and although I can't give specific questions out, most of mine were really redundant. They want to know how you handle situations with a leadership attitude and what would be best for the business. I was told by my ETLs that I did an excellent job on my interviews but for the last one with the DTL they want me to focus on broadening my scope in regards to what I want outcomes to me- in other words think more like a TL and not a TM.
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