Price match if it says "when purchased online"

Jun 15, 2020
I know Target price matches Target com but what if it says for ex. "$ 9.99 if purchased online" could it still be price matched?
I have to explain to guests that is a different company within Target, we treat as a competitor just like Best Buy, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Costco, Walmart or Amazon.

At times, it does get frustrating, but at least it's easier to verify a price match with Target than with other competitors. Frequently, the specific product we sell or they sell LOOKS the same but has a different SKU or minor differences in content, i.e. "Walmart Exclusive" or "Only At Target" version. You aren't required to price match unless it literally is the same exact item.
I find it frustrating that most of my fellow TMs don't even use the Price Match app on our Zebras. Price Match is particularly useful if something is being clearanced out in your own store on MyDay, you can check the price and come up with a reasonable estimate of the clearance price without just guessing. When price matching to another store, you might or might not find the exact item but Price Match is much more useful than just "guessing". Guests are always guests.

My store has really great TMs but training on the basics is lacking and there's no training on how to address "no price" items, or even worse "the sign says" price arguments.

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