they dont like to be able to be held to anything specific on any standard (reliability, prod, whatever). so that they can do whatever they want. and dont have to hold everybody to the same standard. but also with all the cherry picking that mostly comes from management, that's probably a good thing.
i also read how amazon got fined by cali recently on prod. i dont know all how it works but the claim was the standard was too high to allow workers bathroom breaks etc.
even though this is only a cali law, in a sense target has to abide by it everywhere. i think they are pretty wary over disciplining ppl over numbers per se. which is good imo.
it should just be about scan gaps etc imo not a number. i remember many yrs ago i knew a guy on final who got fired for prod on a day he was doing like 160%. the om wanted to get rid of him. and said it was about the behavior (scan gaps) not a number. i think thats how it should be. but they wont necessarily commit to that either.
another longtime issue with tgt is they just jack the numbers higher and higher. then put more and more often superfluous roadblocks and red tape in our way in the name of safety. but they never, but ever, lower the prod standard when they bring in a new safety rule that slows us down greatly (and the thing is a lot of these rules dont actually make us safer or even make us less safe, altho some are good too). even though they claim safety>prod. a lot of times it gets to the point where noone or almost noone makes the numbers. which makes it harder for them to hold anybody accountable. theyre so stupid, raising a number does not mean people are going to make it. you cant fire everybody. in many cases the #'s are not reasonable. they can raise them to the sky and they cant fire everybody, i got news for them, somebody gotta get that freight to the stores.