Production numbers vs quality

Oct 2, 2022
I am learning a new job function. I am slow. My quality is 💯… but I am slow…I am doing my job like I was trained to do… no
shortcuts…but I’m not making my productivity. If I don’t speed up will I eventually get a CA? Or should I just stay quality focused and
do as I was trained?
Trainers, Leads, and OMs should be aware that the RR takes time to master, they should be providing you with ramp time as you develop to become proficient in function.

Some people take longer than others before they make it, others never do. Sometimes when this happens they are simply removed from the function, or they advocate for themselves that they cannot do the function or equipment.

Hopefully you had good training and the trainer also provided tips for how to operate the equipment to become proficient and they are putting you in function consistently so you can develop.
it’s not the equipment they usually have me in rack puts .. it’s the pulling the pallets down… consolidation dealing with dead wood i’m having trouble with i’m over futzing trying to only scan the pallet id.. like i was trained i feel’s taking more time than it should
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You should be in a ramp up period for about a month... that's where you get your experience and speed. It definitely takes time getting used to pulling down pallets and the leads and OM should be aware of that.

But, no doubt you will be up to speed in no time. It just takes practice.
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Yes you will eventually get a CA if you are not meeting expectations.

Which function are you learning?

in my experience it varies, and even what qualifies as meeting expectations varies. there were times in the past on a2 fp, with rapid rep there was pretty much no possible way to make 100. so they werent held to it cus somebody gotta do fp.

There used to be an idea it's not about the numbers, it's about behaviors. So I knew a guy on CA for prod fired for a scan gap on a day he was making like 200%. It should work the other way too, if you have bad freight it shouldn't be held against you. I like the behaviors not numbers idea it makes sense to me, but target being target they've probably strayed from that a long time ago. It's probably just about numbers.
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in my experience it varies, and even what qualifies as meeting expectations varies. there were times in the past on a2 fp, with rapid rep there was pretty much no possible way to make 100. so they werent held to it cus somebody gotta do fp.

There used to be an idea it's not about the numbers, it's about behaviors. So I knew a guy on CA for prod fired for a scan gap on a day he was making like 200%. It should work the other way too, if you have bad freight it shouldn't be held against you. I like the behaviors not numbers idea it makes sense to me, but target being target they've probably strayed from that a long time ago. It's probably just about numbers.

It'll vary from OM to OM.. If they want you out they'll find a way. If you are in good standing then it's not a problem until the coaching's begin.

We always used to split rapid rep, made it so everyone could recover the lost time diving everywhere just to pull a few pallets here and there.

I wouldn't worry too much about scanning PIDs, obviously you'll want to get the ones that are available, but you shouldn't be getting off equipment to move a box just to be able to scan it. If that's what you are doing anyway.. that's a simple explanation to anyone, carton air is taking the front right PID and shouldn't be.

I can't remember right off what the percentage is. I want to say 95% goal for PID scanning but maybe it was 90%, not sure.. You could always save the header label if it's a problem so they can check and see who has been facepicking the locations.

If nobody gave you this tip you can use the light reflecting off the forks to help you judge how close you are to the board on the pallet before you try to insert your forks.
If nobody gave you this tip you can use the light reflecting off the forks to help you judge how close you are to the board on the pallet before you try to insert your forks.
Another tip, the back plate of the reach truck fits completely into a large location. If you are too far in and lift the pallet, you might pop the cross beam of the location above where you are pulling. Then depending on how much the damage is, you'll get a drug test and you will for sure be taken off equipment for the rest of the day.
so your saying.. don't go b@lls deep in the location… lol good to know… came close to that a few times😱
I am learning a new job function. I am slow. My quality is 💯… but I am slow…I am doing my job like I was trained to do… no
shortcuts…but I’m not making my productivity. If I don’t speed up will I eventually get a CA? Or should I just stay quality focused and
do as I was trained?
It sounds like you’re on the right track, especially with a Reach Truck where you can really make a difference. If you’re new to the functions and not very proficient in production, I wouldn’t expect you to be a Cart Attendant right away. In my experience, when we had slower team members, we would pair them up with drivers who could pick up the slack, giving you time to get comfortable and build up your speed gradually.

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