Archived Putting in my two weeks?

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Aug 13, 2015
Long story short, I was hired in July & began in August. I absolutely hate working as a seasonal cashier. My fellow team members aren't always friendly & I feel uncomfortable & out of place being there. I literally dread it. I've put in a few requests for time off and my HR was very understanding about it. However, I'm just not happy with target. I am also employed at another job that I've been at for four years that I work at during breaks from school. The stores in my city now have space for a transfer, so that's what I plan to do. My question is just how bad will it look to put in my two weeks after a month? I'm not gonna put it on my resume, but I don't want to cause a huge awkward situation with my HR and I while I work the last of my scheduled days.
Spare yourself & your coworkers.
Go to your HR & get a voluntary termination form.
Fill it out & leave it in HR's box; if they're in the store when you do it give them a heads up.
The sooner the better.
Just make sure you work your two weeks or have someone else take your shifts. Even if you don't like your job, it's better not to burn bridges.
you're seasonal, you were most likely only going to last until the end of the season anyways. they probably won't be bothered by it
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