Archived Question about seasonal hire compensation

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"can you come to the front to tie my shoes?"
Oct 12, 2015
Hi all, first post time!

A bit of context for my question..I'm a recent transfer (about a month ago) from store x to store y
At store x, I started as a seasonal hire last year, and by the time January came around, I went from disposable lackey to entertainment brand team member, and I was given the usual .50 raise, and then later a bit more because of target's standard $9/hour, + a few more cents when I got my performance review.

With that being said, at store x, when seasonal people were hired, some regular team members got raises to make up the difference. Paying what will more often than not be a temporary hire more than a regular worker wouldn't exactly go over well, hence the increased pay.

Now with that in mind, here at my new store y, LODs are having cashiers hand out flyers to guests who are interested, advertising seasonal overnight flow positions with a base pay rate than I'm making, even with my .50 cent+performance review raise...that's before counting the extra $1 after midnight/before store opening that graveyard shift team members receive.

It's not much more, but it all adds up every other Friday.

Not to sound somewhat elitist, we are all on the same team after all, but electronics/brand team members do and are responsible for a bit more than most individual flow team members.

SO my question for you all is:
How likely is it that, if I go to my ETL HR with this, that I'll see a slight increase in pay at least to match what these new team members make?
Would it be too much to ask for my raises on top of what they're starting at?

Welcome! Overnight shifts can be shorter hours like 4 to 6 hours or 25 hours a week. Your pay raise was due to Walmart base pay raise of 9.00. Roughly 2% percent raise in some stores, was your review an "ex" or "e"?
Are you Stellar in driving sales/vibe in mmb & electronics at your current store?

We need some info, please. Welcome, btw.
Your seasonal people at store x should have been hired at the base rate. Why they weren't is odd.

Flow and electronics should be the same pay grade so you should be making the few cents more from your performance review...which is likely only a few cents because of the prorate of the raise.
Greetings and salutations.
Welcome to The Break Room.
Your seasonal people at store x should have been hired at the base rate. Why they weren't is odd.

Flow and electronics should be the same pay grade so you should be making the few cents more from your performance review...which is likely only a few cents because of the prorate of the raise.
Right, which is the source of my confusion.
Roughly 2% percent raise in some stores, was your review an "ex" or "e"?
Are you Stellar in driving sales/vibe in mmb & electronics at your current store?
Should performance matter? If the base pay grade is meant to be the same, I should be at least equal to it, not below, correct?
That being said, every electronics person has the odd yellow or red week. I've been in this position for the better part of a year, and at two separate stores. I'm doing well enough to not get booted to regular hardlines, so shouldn't I be compensated accordingly? It's not like non-mobile team members get commission for doing as much as we do.

I don't think I'm being greedy when I ask this. We all have bills to pay and seeing the new guys get a bit's irritating.
Thanks for the welcomes, by the way.
Store Y could be advertising a base pay that is higher than the "true base pay" by including the overnight shift differential in "rate of pay" to make the position seem more attractive.
For starters, or position is not more important that flows, even as a single tm. We work the graveyard shift, unload hot ass or freezing trucks, pull freezers, push cafs when sf can't keep up, keep the floor stocked and deal with most of the numbers that matter at the store level like in Stock scores or backroom accuracy.

Not to sound rude but flows position is more important than yours to tsrget and that's why they get paid more. Don't like it? Switch to flow and see if you make the cut.
We're seeing the same thing at our store, and not just for night workers. New seasonal hires came in at higher rates than most of us have been making after adjustment to increase wages to Walmart levels plus the performance review "few cents". We've since been told that we are having our hourly wages increased to the same rate as the newer seasonal workers. But that effectively wipes out any performance raises I've received in the past two years. It's not a huge amount of money, but it seems as if we should be paid more than new team members with no experience at all. These were folks who were hired to work the sales floor or cashier.
Yeah, I convinced my friend to apply for a seasonal backroom position and he's making 11.50. Base pay is 10.50, so with backroom paygrade he should be 11. He makes more than me even though we're the same paygrade and taking into account my last years review. 🙁
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