transfer question!

Jan 28, 2025
I’m currently undergoing the transfer process as I’m moving out of state. My current HR ETL has sent the request to the store I intend to transfer to, however he’s saying he’s not sure if it’s gone through yet. Despite that, someone else in my HR department has said my new store asked for when I’d like to start and other details. Is it safe for me to assume the transfer request went through?
I had one bad experience with a transfer, After moving out of state, I moved back home and transferred back to a former store of mine. This store just got a new HR team. For almost 2 months, I could not get on the schedule because the HR team would not call my last store to confirm I arrived and confirmed final acceptance of my transfer. So I was still allocated to the last out of state store for 2 months.

But yes. Your new store will need to know your start date with them.

I would make a friendly call to the HR at the new store just to introduce yourself. And ask if there is anything that needs to be done on your end.
When I transferred I called the new store myself and asked for lod. The new store hr was not responding to my old store hr. New store hr was new in position and kinda ditsy. The lod that answered the call stole me for her own dept.
One thing I’ve learned over my time at Spot is that your Work Supersedes You. @Ashfromoldsite she must have heard how much of an asset you were to your Previous Department and Store and wanted them Metrics for Hers.
One thing I’ve learned over my time at Spot is that your Work Supersedes You. @Ashfromoldsite she must have heard how much of an asset you were to your Previous Department and Store and wanted them Metrics for Hers.
No. All I had to do was mention I was an etl for a decade and stepped down to raise my kids. We were moving for my husband job.

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