Archived Questions About Growing in the Company

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General Merch (Hardlines)
Jan 7, 2018
Hi, I am a current GM (hardlines) TM who is cross trained in cashier and apparel. I have been with Target since I was 17 (I am now 18) and started a little over a year ago. This is my first job which I enjoy a lot. I am an incoming college freshman and am commuting to a university that is 50 minutes away solely so I can stay working at Target specifically the same location. I also managed to fit all my classes on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s so my work availability stays flexible. I frequently take shifts, do doubles, and always work diligently. My current TLs, ETLs, STL, and former TLs (when I worked in apparel) notice and mention my hard work and dedication to the company. I want to grow in the company and if given the opportunity to be a TL (possibly higher after I receive my degree), I would value my position even more. One perk (besides the obvious raise and leadership role) I am interested in if I were to get a promotion would be the tuition reimbursement which previously led me to inquire my ETL-HR about an executive position. However, I was still a full time high school student at that time so I was told to wait until summer when I am more flexible with hours. It is midsummer right now and I am pretty much working full time 30-40 hours a week. I was reluctant to ask about becoming a TL because of my age. Truthfully, I am 18 but feel as if I am mature and responsible enough to take on the role of TL. Is anyone able to give me advice on how/if I should approach my ETL-HR about this and what steps I should take next? Is my availability for the school year (everyday open to close except Tuesday/Thursday) acceptable for this position? What is the process of being promoted like? Also can anyone give me a brief explanation of the major differences between TM and TL?

Thank you to anyone who replies! I appreciate your feedback.
Well I'll be the first one to give you a proper response I guess...

What you're asking for is difficult and unusual, but not unheard of and in truth should have nothing to do with your age. After all, we don't discriminate based on age right? Right. Case and point, I was GSA at 18 and GSTL by 19. There are unique difficulties to doing TL at that age that must be navigated carefully with your team, but as long as your leadership supports you anything can happen. Every store I've ever worked at (3) I was the youngest TL. I spent 3yrs in a TM role though because I started soph year of HS. The extra time helped, but really its just about maturity. Based on the way you wrote your first post, you're probably developmentally ready to do more whether that means something like GSA or TL outright. Its hard for me to size you up based just on that though, feel free to reach out to me if you want more input.

Is anyone able to give me advice on how/if I should approach my ETL-HR about this and what steps I should take next?
- Approach after graduating HS, and getting all your life's affairs in order in general. Ensure college is your priority, in my time at target I've gotten an associates and am getting my bachelors this year. Tell your HR you want to grow and do more, and would appreciate their help in a sort of development plan. Don't place labels or pressure on it from the start. Don't have to mention TL, just keep showing your drive and tell them you see yourself being, "long term target" (even if thats not true).
Is my availability for the school year (everyday open to close except Tuesday/Thursday) acceptable for this position?
- Absolutely acceptable. 2.5/7 days of the week for me are unavailable. If they want you, they'll work with your avail. I only work 4 days a week unless I'm on school vacation.
What is the process of being promoted like?
- If we're talking from TM --> TL then its 2-3 interviews, usually some feedback, maybe some action plans and some carrot dangling, finding an open position for you, and onboarding you at a time that makes sense. Right person, right place, right time. Then you just get trained at another store usually and go from there.
Also can anyone give me a brief explanation of the major differences between TM and TL?
- Really its just the added level of autonomy and responsibility over your teams day to day. You can honestly make their life a living hell, or totally great at work. You have to be self driven and know what business needs are without being told. Obv have to have strong people skills...I could go on for days.
Hi, I am a current GM (hardlines) TM who is cross trained in cashier and apparel. I have been with Target since I was 17 (I am now 18) and started a little over a year ago. This is my first job which I enjoy a lot. I am an incoming college freshman and am commuting to a university that is 50 minutes away solely so I can stay working at Target specifically the same location. I also managed to fit all my classes on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s so my work availability stays flexible. I frequently take shifts, do doubles, and always work diligently. My current TLs, ETLs, STL, and former TLs (when I worked in apparel) notice and mention my hard work and dedication to the company. I want to grow in the company and if given the opportunity to be a TL (possibly higher after I receive my degree), I would value my position even more. One perk (besides the obvious raise and leadership role) I am interested in if I were to get a promotion would be the tuition reimbursement which previously led me to inquire my ETL-HR about an executive position. However, I was still a full time high school student at that time so I was told to wait until summer when I am more flexible with hours. It is midsummer right now and I am pretty much working full time 30-40 hours a week. I was reluctant to ask about becoming a TL because of my age. Truthfully, I am 18 but feel as if I am mature and responsible enough to take on the role of TL. Is anyone able to give me advice on how/if I should approach my ETL-HR about this and what steps I should take next? Is my availability for the school year (everyday open to close except Tuesday/Thursday) acceptable for this position? What is the process of being promoted like? Also can anyone give me a brief explanation of the major differences between TM and TL?

Thank you to anyone who replies! I appreciate your feedback.
Tuition reimbursement RARELY goes backwards. Tuition reimbursement is usually for classes taken (for degrees beneficial to Target) while employed by Spot. Carefully read any of that and don’t let someone lie you into thinking they’ll repay your student loans for school. Good luck
Well I'll be the first one to give you a proper response I guess...

What you're asking for is difficult and unusual, but not unheard of and in truth should have nothing to do with your age. After all, we don't discriminate based on age right? Right. Case and point, I was GSA at 18 and GSTL by 19. There are unique difficulties to doing TL at that age that must be navigated carefully with your team, but as long as your leadership supports you anything can happen. Every store I've ever worked at (3) I was the youngest TL. I spent 3yrs in a TM role though because I started soph year of HS. The extra time helped, but really its just about maturity. Based on the way you wrote your first post, you're probably developmentally ready to do more whether that means something like GSA or TL outright. Its hard for me to size you up based just on that though, feel free to reach out to me if you want more input.

Is anyone able to give me advice on how/if I should approach my ETL-HR about this and what steps I should take next?
- Approach after graduating HS, and getting all your life's affairs in order in general. Ensure college is your priority, in my time at target I've gotten an associates and am getting my bachelors this year. Tell your HR you want to grow and do more, and would appreciate their help in a sort of development plan. Don't place labels or pressure on it from the start. Don't have to mention TL, just keep showing your drive and tell them you see yourself being, "long term target" (even if thats not true).
Is my availability for the school year (everyday open to close except Tuesday/Thursday) acceptable for this position?
- Absolutely acceptable. 2.5/7 days of the week for me are unavailable. If they want you, they'll work with your avail. I only work 4 days a week unless I'm on school vacation.
What is the process of being promoted like?
- If we're talking from TM --> TL then its 2-3 interviews, usually some feedback, maybe some action plans and some carrot dangling, finding an open position for you, and onboarding you at a time that makes sense. Right person, right place, right time. Then you just get trained at another store usually and go from there.
Also can anyone give me a brief explanation of the major differences between TM and TL?
- Really its just the added level of autonomy and responsibility over your teams day to day. You can honestly make their life a living hell, or totally great at work. You have to be self driven and know what business needs are without being told. Obv have to have strong people skills...I could go on for days.
None of that applies but nice try
Oh yeah I've used the tuition reimbursement as well and it more than likely wouldn't be retroactive. Honestly that benefit isn't huge, but the 4k-5k a year isn't exactly nothing either.

@Planosss bro lolwut
If your store is reluctant to promote you to TL (or doesn't have the headcount to do so) consider becoming a GSA. Yes the position sucks but it does put you in a semi-leadership position where you can really show off your skillset.
It is probably inadvisable to be a tl at 18 no matter how ready you feel. Being a young manager is harder for so many reasons and some you'll only realize with age. But Target is great at hiring young, minimal life experience leaders (looking at you etls) so you definitely have a chance.

But, I don't know you and maybe you are exceptional and could manage people and time, no problem. And if your tls and etls see that then you should approach them and tell them you are interested in it. If they agree you may or may not get put on the bench, but expect added a lot....and for no more pay. Be careful what you wish for! 😉
One thing to note about tuition reimbursement is that its only for the class you take not any of the extra fees (lab, technology, athletic, distance learning, msc fees). When it was managed by Target they would pay out the full tuition as long as it was related to your current position, which you needed to prove by writing why it was related. With the company they outsourced to they expanded it to any AA/BA/tech program even if it isn't related to your field but need an itemized bill and only pay out the class fees. Sadly the college I am going to has a lot of higher miscellaneous fees.
I was told when I started that you can be a really great Tm but a shitty TL. It takes more than working out abandon amazingly and working cafs quickly. What big ideas are you bringing to the table? What are you doing to help NPS? I've always been told TLs need to have open availability so if your asked to work on Tuesday and Thursday during Q4 you would be required to figure out school and expected to be at work. I'd look into online classes if your still serious about doing both. They won't even look at you as an ETL without a degree or 4 years of managment experience. If your still like this is what I wan to to do then partner with your ETL/STL to get the ball rolling.
Team Leader + College = no go.

I will say, though, that I am nineteen years old and I am in leadership development. Right now, it's more of a self-development stage and I just keep in touch with my TL and ETL every 3-4 weeks, this is sort of a pre-requisite to getting store-led training. You won't be able to get into a leadership position for a long time if your store cares about you, and I'm glad to have a store like that. If you get promoted into a position you were and never will be prepared for and you get fired for it, you're shit out of luck.

I'm not in college, I try to work as much as I can, I'm trying to at least assume the position of a PA, and hopefully after that, I may get development for Team Leadership. At every job I've worked at, I've aimed for leadership roles. When I went to my ETL with my desire to move up in the company, I didn't ask to get development for a Team Leader Position... I simply said "I've been looking to move up in this company, and I can see myself being a major leader in the store in my future." so I left it pretty open ended, but it let my ETL and TL know I'm looking for some help, it was actually my ETL who kept suggesting in a one on one that I work towards a team leader position because he can see me doing one and all I wanted was to let them know I want to get into a PA position.

Just work hard at it, maybe try after college.
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Going off of what everyone else has said, there is more to being a leader.

Being a leader means commitment, responsibility, and being the one who everyone goes to for the stupidest, tiniest little bullshit. Even saying that, it's MUCH more than that. A good leader is never a dictator, a control freak, and listens to everyone and compromises and is the one that makes that decision. You need to take the initiative, be the one that goes the extra mile without being told or asked, be the one that helps other TMs and keeps them busy. A manager at an old job I had use to tell me "Time to lean, time to clean." and it's stuck by me... so, every time I find out there's truly nothing to do in my Frozen Dairy section or Meat Department, it's time to clean.

I discussed some things I had brain stormed about what I would do to shake up some current store processes in my department. Freight unload, back stock process, routine, etc. I haven't said anything to my TL because the way he does things is fine and is probably as good as it's ever gonna get and we're comfortable with it, but I told my ETL in length just some ideas I had that I feel can bring more speed and keep the efficiency and stimulate more productivity.

I feel having college going on, it will really hinder your availability as a leader.
Kid, you are at an age where you can try something, and if you dont like it or it doesn’t workout , you can move on to doing something else.
All this BS about , it takes an arm and two legs to be a leader is not true.
Go for it!

You can see that some people on here have been TMs for years, loathsome and bitter. carpe diem!
Our GSTL started as a TM at 17, and was TL by 19 because she has the maturity to handle it. She’s 21 now and is on track to be a GE with only an aa in the next 2 years or so.

College isn’t going to instantly have a position handed to you, nor is time on at Spot. Make it known you want the position, show up everyday expecting to bust your tail, and always ask if leaders have something they need taken care of
Getting promoted is about a few things.

1) How long have you been in your current role?
2) How well do you perform that role?
3) Are you a good fit for the positions they have open?
a. Do you take feedback well?
b. Are you reliable?
4) How mature are you? Can we basically trust that he will do what we need him to.
5) What skills do you bring to the table?

In some instances there may be an age requirement in your state such as to sell alcohol, ect. In general though age is not the usual determining factor. Ultimately it comes down to the questions above and the values of the ones making the decision to promote you. Do they have an inherent age bias? I hate to say this but in my experience a lot of hiring managers don't feel that someone under a certain age has the maturity/experience to succeed in leadership roles. There are exceptions to that rule of course. In my time at Target I saw numerous TMs that were under the age of 21.
I find that the best leaders are the ones that don’t ask for it. There’s no “correct “ definition of what it means to be a leader, life is too complicated for that and why do people want to be leader? It’s not as glamorous as you think, you pretty much need to do a lot and there’s no promise for greener pastures. In fact, responsibilities are constrained and rules are more strict on you. Please know what the position entails before you waste someone’s else time or even your own.
Team Leader + College = no go.

I will say, though, that I am nineteen years old and I am in leadership development. Right now, it's more of a self-development stage and I just keep in touch with my TL and ETL every 3-4 weeks, this is sort of a pre-requisite to getting store-led training. You won't be able to get into a leadership position for a long time if your store cares about you, and I'm glad to have a store like that. If you get promoted into a position you were and never will be prepared for and you get fired for it, you're shit out of luck.

I'm not in college, I try to work as much as I can, I'm trying to at least assume the position of a PA, and hopefully after that, I may get development for Team Leadership. At every job I've worked at, I've aimed for leadership roles. When I went to my ETL with my desire to move up in the company, I didn't ask to get development for a Team Leader Position... I simply said "I've been looking to move up in this company, and I can see myself being a major leader in the store in my future." so I left it pretty open ended, but it let my ETL and TL know I'm looking for some help, it was actually my ETL who kept suggesting in a one on one that I work towards a team leader position because he can see me doing one and all I wanted was to let them know I want to get into a PA position.

Just work hard at it, maybe try after college.
Not true. A ton of TLs in my district are in college. Target loves college age people.
Well I'll be the first one to give you a proper response I guess...

What you're asking for is difficult and unusual, but not unheard of and in truth should have nothing to do with your age. After all, we don't discriminate based on age right? Right. Case and point, I was GSA at 18 and GSTL by 19. There are unique difficulties to doing TL at that age that must be navigated carefully with your team, but as long as your leadership supports you anything can happen. Every store I've ever worked at (3) I was the youngest TL. I spent 3yrs in a TM role though because I started soph year of HS. The extra time helped, but really its just about maturity. Based on the way you wrote your first post, you're probably developmentally ready to do more whether that means something like GSA or TL outright. Its hard for me to size you up based just on that though, feel free to reach out to me if you want more input.

Is anyone able to give me advice on how/if I should approach my ETL-HR about this and what steps I should take next?
- Approach after graduating HS, and getting all your life's affairs in order in general. Ensure college is your priority, in my time at target I've gotten an associates and am getting my bachelors this year. Tell your HR you want to grow and do more, and would appreciate their help in a sort of development plan. Don't place labels or pressure on it from the start. Don't have to mention TL, just keep showing your drive and tell them you see yourself being, "long term target" (even if thats not true).
Is my availability for the school year (everyday open to close except Tuesday/Thursday) acceptable for this position?
- Absolutely acceptable. 2.5/7 days of the week for me are unavailable. If they want you, they'll work with your avail. I only work 4 days a week unless I'm on school vacation.
What is the process of being promoted like?
- If we're talking from TM --> TL then its 2-3 interviews, usually some feedback, maybe some action plans and some carrot dangling, finding an open position for you, and onboarding you at a time that makes sense. Right person, right place, right time. Then you just get trained at another store usually and go from there.
Also can anyone give me a brief explanation of the major differences between TM and TL?
- Really its just the added level of autonomy and responsibility over your teams day to day. You can honestly make their life a living hell, or totally great at work. You have to be self driven and know what business needs are without being told. Obv have to have strong people skills...I could go on for days.

I had a couple of TM's be promoted, then acted very differently toward us. Neither one of them are working for Spot. I managed to make their lives a living hell when I was working there. We had a 21 year-old ETL at my store, and I couldn't help but laugh at how incompetent he was. You can TRY to make their lives a living hell.
I find that the best leaders are the ones that don’t ask for it. There’s no “correct “ definition of what it means to be a leader, life is too complicated for that and why do people want to be leader? It’s not as glamorous as you think, you pretty much need to do a lot and there’s no promise for greener pastures. In fact, responsibilities are constrained and rules are more strict on you. Please know what the position entails before you waste someone’s else time or even your own.
Agreed . I never applied for the logisticsTL they came to me with it and before I knew they prep me for the interview with dtl.
I find that the best leaders are the ones that don’t ask for it. There’s no “correct “ definition of what it means to be a leader, life is too complicated for that and why do people want to be leader? It’s not as glamorous as you think, you pretty much need to do a lot and there’s no promise for greener pastures. In fact, responsibilities are constrained and rules are more strict on you. Please know what the position entails before you waste someone’s else time or even your own.
Its the next logical step if a TM wants to move up in Target and get paid more money
You have to first get a current TL or SRTL to back you up with you wanting to move up. Then you both go to your ETL and STL to see if they are on board. They will then put you in what is called development where they will watch you and see how you react to different scenarios. You will not realize they are watching, but they are. Take responsibility in your work center and when people need ideas suggests things that could work. If it does work, then you can always use it for interview questions later.
18 + TL = LOL
I was a GSA at 18 and GSTL at 20.. it happens and there is some terrible leadership out there who is older as there is terrible young leadership. It’s all a matter of how well you do your job and/or who you know
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