Archived Quick reply needed for "Repush"/Backstock/Subt 999 question please!

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Receiving/Reverse Logistics
Dec 20, 2012
So I am fairly familiar with the workings of the accumulator and backroom, just wanted to make sure I wasn't overthinking this or maybe missing something. Our backroom has reached disaster levels, and hours have been opened up to bring in an army of backstockers over the next few days to hopefully clean everything out. Problem is some vehicles have been sitting back there for days or weeks, obviously they'll come right back out in the CAFs; our ETL wants to re-push everything so the floor is full, my plan was to partner a re-pusher with a backstocker so after it's pushed we can backstock in SUBT and reset weeks of a frustrated accumulator trying to pull that merchandise out. SUBT 999 is something that is almost never used at our store, but I've used it effectively during a remodel and a few other situations, seems like this would be one of those times.

Does this sound like a legitimate plan? Anyone dealt with a situation similar to this who has any advice to give? Would be appreciated, and thanks for reading and any responses!
Go into STO and add 900 to the qty you are backstocking then toggle to subt and subtract out the 900 under number 1 and that will leave the actual qty that is in location and the product will not pull out on the cafs. Hope this helps, it has one less step than using the subt 9999 with the same result.
Dang, backroomguy, I feel like you just gave me the Target-colored pill and woke me up to the Matrix. That's something I didn't know about, thanks for the info - I will definitely have to look into it.
Go into STO and add 900 to the qty you are backstocking then toggle to subt and subtract out the 900 under number 1 and that will leave the actual qty that is in location and the product will not pull out on the cafs. Hope this helps, it has one less step than using the subt 9999 with the same result.

This... is life changing. I'll have to pass this along to my fellow TMs!
I'm not seeing the one less step unless you're one of those people that thinks subtracting first creates errors.
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