Quit or wait to be fired ?

Sep 27, 2018
Opinions and informed knowledge answers please.
TL here, being harassed to the point that I am barely allowed to make any decisions - only led by the nose ring held by the SD.
In this situation, should I ride it out for as long as I can and wait to be fired or step down or quit now ?
I am told vacation pay earned is paid out if I quit. Is it the same if I’m fired or is it lost ?
It’s Over 200 hrs banked so it could make the decision for me if it meant I would lose it.
Outside of state laws, vacation is only paid out if you retire (there may be requirements that need to be met for this to occur).

My store had a TL a few years ago in a similar situation; she elected to quit before they could performance her out. It let her leave on her terms without burning any bridges.
Once they start you're fucked. It never gets better. Keep your mental health in check and GTFO. How old are you? Male or female? Is the SD M or F? No stupid liberal responses, it matters and always will.
Opinions and informed knowledge answers please.
TL here, being harassed to the point that I am barely allowed to make any decisions - only led by the nose ring held by the SD.
In this situation, should I ride it out for as long as I can and wait to be fired or step down or quit now ?
I am told vacation pay earned is paid out if I quit. Is it the same if I’m fired or is it lost ?
It’s Over 200 hrs banked so it could make the decision for me if it meant I would lose it.

It's going to depend on what state you are in.
Look up the state laws.
Once they start you're fucked. It never gets better. Keep your mental health in check and GTFO. How old are you? Male or female? Is the SD M or F? No stupid liberal responses, it matters and always will.
Every social category can and does produce both good and bad bosses. Failure to recognize this and to assume things about all members of a group instead of assessing people as individuals is stereotyping. Stereotyping is not a positive, useful or accurate thing and we all know what happens when we assume.
TL here, being harassed to the point that I am barely allowed to make any decisions - only led by the nose ring held by the SD.
In this situation, should I ride it out for as long as I can and wait to be fired or step down or quit now ?
Sorry you are going through this. It’s hard to say which option would be best for you, but I’ll throw out a few thoughts:

If you can stand being there longer, need your insurance and benefits, and aren’t burnt out to the point of your physical and mental health being adversely affected you might try to ride it out, especially if you think there’s any hope that you might get a new SD soon. If you are put on any level of corrective action, the die has been cast. My advice would be to find another job and quit on your timeline, not theirs. Supposedly it takes months to force someone out, so you should have time on your side for a while. If you get a second CA, it’s time to start that job search. I wouldn’t wait to be fired without another job lined up.

Life can be pretty miserable going down the road of being performanced out, but if you can stick it out long enough to find another job before you get to the end of the road, at least you’ll still have insurance and a paycheck coming in while you job hunt.

Seems like stepping down is a difficult option, because you lose pay, get sent to another store, and are stuck somewhere between being looked at in a negative way as “the person who used to be a TL” and also as the person who can be pushed into doing TL level work for TM pay. Seems like that’s how it worked in my district, yours may be different.

Hope this helps. Best of luck to you!🍀
Even if you're punctual, excellent attendance, good with customers and get along with a majority of coworkers it means nothing. If your nose isn't buried in their ass to the point of nausea you're screwed. Bonus points if you're a normal male over 40 yrs old and not a minority. Combine normalcy with a smattering of independence and self direction and you're even more fucked. Get out voluntarily.
Stepping down is not a bad option. Somehow I didn't lose any pay stepping down and it's been a year. You get to use your vacation time and be way more free to look for another job or switch career paths. I worked enough throughout my year to change career paths and used some vacation time if I felt I was working to much and my new career required me to only work weekends for 3 months. Now I can work target with no responsibility and as a part time job to keep my health insurance for a bit and have a second job. I am still an excellent tm and have had no complaints. Not saying this is your right path but you should know it's an option
Opinions and informed knowledge answers please.
TL here, being harassed to the point that I am barely allowed to make any decisions - only led by the nose ring held by the SD.
In this situation, should I ride it out for as long as I can and wait to be fired or step down or quit now ?
I am told vacation pay earned is paid out if I quit. Is it the same if I’m fired or is it lost ?
It’s Over 200 hrs banked so it could make the decision for me if it meant I would lose it.
If in Ca they pay your vacation
No. Nothing documented.

With this SD the micro managing has been so extreme that I wonder if he thinks I do such a terrible job that he has to do it for me. It’s been worse since my ETL left because he used to be the buffer between me and the SD. Without the middle man SD is attached to my back, calling me 10 times a day to give hour by hour direction as if after 15 plus years I haven’t figured out what to do next.

I have also noticed that i tend to get scrutinized more around review time each year so that could be a factor.

I’m not burnt out but ready to leave within the next few months.
I would move up the timeline if I knew for sure I would lose all that vacation time if I get fired and not leave voluntarily. Prefer to get paid out for it than use or lose it .

Best scenario for me is:
-get paid out vacation,
-take out my 401K
and then demote !
Opinions and informed knowledge answers please.
TL here, being harassed to the point that I am barely allowed to make any decisions - only led by the nose ring held by the SD.
In this situation, should I ride it out for as long as I can and wait to be fired or step down or quit now ?
I am told vacation pay earned is paid out if I quit. Is it the same if I’m fired or is it lost ?
It’s Over 200 hrs banked so it could make the decision for me if it meant I would lose it.
I'd quit before you are fired.
Several of us just quit, dealing with stupid lying white trash is fruitless. The uppers were intimidated by the female LOG TL She eventually screwed herself out of a decent job. I didn't need the gig anyway.

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