I am leaving a DC. Do I need to tell HR, my OM, or both that I'm leaving? What happens to vacation time and my 401K? What should I do? Advice appreciated.
I am leaving a DC. Do I need to tell HR, my OM, or both that I'm leaving? What happens to vacation time and my 401K? What should I do? Advice appreciated.
Yeah, its good form to let them know ahead of time. Your vacation will poof, so use it up before you quit. 401k you will be able to receive 30 days from termination, have to call pay and benefits to set it up and discuss options.
Well, I did it. I got out. But I do wonder what happens to my 401k. I can not access my benefits account as workday warned I wouldn't. But how do I transfer/withdraw my 401k? (I searched the forum but kept getting conflicting answers)
I would put in my two weeks AFTER you are scheduled those last two weeks.
IMHO Target might be petty and cancel the rest of your shifts.