Archived Really confused about backroom

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Sep 21, 2017
I'm trained in almost all areas at the front end (carts, cashier, guest service, food ave) with almost no knowledge of backroom, but I asked to get trained back there just for something new.

Had my first training shift (opening) and that was a lot of knowledge to take in. Also super fast-paced. I have two more training shifts (one closing, another opening) before I'm put by myself.

There's a lot of terminology that I'm confused about. Like what's the difference between pulling batches and instock? I know instock are the things that need to be stocked on the floor, but what about research batches? And CAFs?

Also, someone from backroom told me about doing LOCU on myFAs and I have no idea what that means. I noticed when I would go to find a myFA, a lot of the times the item just straight up wouldn't be there or I'd have to skip to a new location and find it there. Is that normal? Is this all stuff that'll come to me the more I train? It's all pretty new and confusing rn.
Batches are anything that drops under the Replenishment option.

Instocks what they shoot on the floor. It drops under Research in RFapps

Cafs are pulls(batches) that rrop automatically at 1/3 and 5 on weekends

MyFA has nothing to do either Locu. LOCU is a function that lets you quickly delete everything in a location. Never use it unless you know what you're doing

MyFA are flex fulfillments. If you know GS you should be somewhat familiar with them

If the item isn't there it's either in reshop, or someone is walking around with it. More often then not though it's just the numbers are fucked or it's sitting in back waiting to be backstocked or ors unlocated

Honestly why are you even training for BR. It's not really something you should "do for a change" you control a lot the numbers and items in the store. It'll come to you but if you're trained everywhere you won't be able to get the skills needed to do it quickly and often
Honestly why are you even training for BR. It's not really something you should "do for a change" you control a lot the numbers and items in the store. It'll come to you but if you're trained everywhere you won't be able to get the skills needed to do it quickly and often

Cause I want to learn something new, appreciate the info though. My training shift last night definitely gave me a better grasp of things.
Cause I want to learn something new, appreciate the info though. My training shift last night definitely gave me a better grasp of things.
I don't mean it in a rude, it's just new team members always try to be eager and train for the back room but then they never get the skills because there's hearts all over the store that it turns makes them terrible workers when they are Placed back there.
I do get the notion of going from Front-end with no floor experience to Backroom, that's quite a change. But if you've ever worked Hardlines, Consumables, Dairy Frozen, Produce etc you'll much more than likely know all the terms right away. I'm doing most of my own batches, pulls, CAFs, and backstock and creating my own pulls/batches, research. I'm not entirely sure on instocks, but I do know the instocks team is the team that goes out for about 3-4 hours each day and updates in-stock counts and stuff.

TMs should always be encouraged to try new things, but it's at the discretion of the TM's higher-ups to make the judgement on whether the TM is ready or not. I was able to cover for someone that needed to leave for a Dr's appointment for an hour or two and it's not all that worked up Backroom tends to be, just keep an eye on the PDA for any breaking revelations in the Target-sphere of pulls, researches, and man cafs. I'm not sure if every store does it, but for some reason my GSTLs MyDevice gets pinged everytime a Flex drops and they notify our backroom about it every time. Most of your work load is in the morning during freight with all the backstock and cardboard and product moving in and out that's gonna be happening. If there's anything I do legitimately know about backroom, is that it's awesome you don't have to work any of that freight besides whatever's left of it into backstock.

In my opinion? Go for it. I'm about to spew a little banter about a friend from highschool, but he's kind of a numbnut hick that got hired on as a Backroom TM and he use to just push carts at walmart and be a greeter, not exactly the best experience in the world but he still got hired on.
dont worry about locu with FAs for one...if you run into an issue ask the LOD...worry about doing batches...closing usually does 1, 3 and 5 a clock autos if Im correct and otherwise just check your batch list and ask LOD if you are unsure of what to do next. Stay on top of things and don't miss an FA. Locu'ing a spot from an FA just means you couldnt find it in that location and you have to get LOD permission to locu the area and cancel the guests order. If your store is ANY good at keeping decent backroom accuracy you wont have to do this much at all until christmas time when things go crazy.

If you get downtime, backstock merch. Do it appropriately to fill group and do not put more than 3-4 dpci's in one spot if possible. No store is the same so I can't say crowded your backroom is but we get talked to if we put like 8 dcpis in one waco because its a pain to pull from when doing batches when you have to scan 8 barcodes and of course if something is not supposed to be there it creates an error and fucks up brla \

Important edit: Never locu an area without re-stowing the items that are actually there. It throws off the count in the backroom and creates errors. This will piss off your backroom tl and/or your log etl. This is how we get random halloween shit stored in the middle of july because it was never located and the people who noticed it in the location never bothered to give it a second look because backroom is timed on their performance. If you really care about learning all areas of the store, just ask LOD or find out who else has backroom knowledge and bounce thoughts off them. Good team members don't want the backroom destroyed and will jump at the chance to help you.
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