I’ve recently been promoted to receiver at my Target, doing it roughly for 2 weeks on short notice, decent training, not full depth as the last receiver was leaving very soon. No complaints, I’ve picked up on it pretty quickly, nice position I can really dig. But, I still have questions. My biggest concern is fucking up our financial background buying these products. I don’t want the numbers off. For example, when I get mail for my store, do I have to receive / check in ALL mail. Or is some able to just be dropped off to the conference room without checking. I’ve also been getting trading cards for vendors to display and I haven’t been checking those in. My worries is I’m /buying/ the product if I make a PO for them or something. I’ve also been trying to understand Pepsi, Coke, 7 up, and other soda vendors trying to tell me how many pallets they need, what they want for this week, this holiday. Do I have to be on top of sale promos to decide what should be the best deal? Cause I know some sale reps get commission and could try to over sell me. Lastly, without typing too much, some people have been showing up pass receiving hours and it interferes with my work. Is it bad to deny orders after closing?
EDIT: If there’s any tips in workbench to search, that’ll be nice too. Also, what if an item isn’t on the bill list if I buy the product? Would I insist they make a new bill? Or if because I don’t scan the missing item, it wont be counted on the bill (Assuming that’s a vendor who needs a PO and I have to scan individual, but some vendors have a PO who I scan individually, but no item on list. Redo bill?)
EDIT: If there’s any tips in workbench to search, that’ll be nice too. Also, what if an item isn’t on the bill list if I buy the product? Would I insist they make a new bill? Or if because I don’t scan the missing item, it wont be counted on the bill (Assuming that’s a vendor who needs a PO and I have to scan individual, but some vendors have a PO who I scan individually, but no item on list. Redo bill?)
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