Archived Receiver / Receiving mail

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Jun 14, 2018
I’ve recently been promoted to receiver at my Target, doing it roughly for 2 weeks on short notice, decent training, not full depth as the last receiver was leaving very soon. No complaints, I’ve picked up on it pretty quickly, nice position I can really dig. But, I still have questions. My biggest concern is fucking up our financial background buying these products. I don’t want the numbers off. For example, when I get mail for my store, do I have to receive / check in ALL mail. Or is some able to just be dropped off to the conference room without checking. I’ve also been getting trading cards for vendors to display and I haven’t been checking those in. My worries is I’m /buying/ the product if I make a PO for them or something. I’ve also been trying to understand Pepsi, Coke, 7 up, and other soda vendors trying to tell me how many pallets they need, what they want for this week, this holiday. Do I have to be on top of sale promos to decide what should be the best deal? Cause I know some sale reps get commission and could try to over sell me. Lastly, without typing too much, some people have been showing up pass receiving hours and it interferes with my work. Is it bad to deny orders after closing?

EDIT: If there’s any tips in workbench to search, that’ll be nice too. Also, what if an item isn’t on the bill list if I buy the product? Would I insist they make a new bill? Or if because I don’t scan the missing item, it wont be counted on the bill (Assuming that’s a vendor who needs a PO and I have to scan individual, but some vendors have a PO who I scan individually, but no item on list. Redo bill?)
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I’ve recently been promoted to receiver at my Target, doing it roughly for 2 weeks on short notice, decent training, not full depth as the last receiver was leaving very soon. No complaints, I’ve picked up on it pretty quickly, nice position I can really dig. But, I still have questions. My biggest concern is fucking up our financial background buying these products. I don’t want the numbers off. For example, when I get mail for my store, do I have to receive / check in ALL mail. Or is some able to just be dropped off to the conference room without checking. I’ve also been getting trading cards for vendors to display and I haven’t been checking those in. My worries is I’m /buying/ the product if I make a PO for them or something. I’ve also been trying to understand Pepsi, Coke, 7 up, and other soda vendors trying to tell me how many pallets they need, what they want for this week, this holiday. Do I have to be on top of sale promos to decide what should be the best deal? Cause I know some sale reps get commission and could try to over sell me. Lastly, without typing too much, some people have been showing up pass receiving hours and it interferes with my work. Is it bad to deny orders after closing?

EDIT: If there’s any tips in workbench to search, that’ll be nice too.
In short, mostly everything that we sell has to be scanned in. The only things I’ve noticed don’t need scanning are Excell? Trading cards, reading glasses and American Greetings Cards. Every other box I open such as signing, fixtures, supplies, I take to their appropriate spots.

Get with your Consumables TL or Salesfloor TL about dealing with what the soda/beer vendors should be bringing in. You can have a copy of the new ad before hand so that everyone knows what is/isn’t on sale. Also can find Soda Bulk and endcaps on Workbench so they know which brand gets what when they change out Sunday’s. Make sure there is enough room when they bring in product and merchandisers are condensing/cleaning their stuff.

Lastly I believe it varies by store but some do establish a cutoff time for check in with smaller vendors that bring in their own product. Not much you can do for set deliveries.
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Also Blackhawk gift cards do not need to be scanned in. The box usually says to not hold or wait for vendor on it and to push immediately.
Have your ad prep TM set aside a copy of the 7x11 sign for the soda sale for you. We leave one at our receiver's desk as soon as we get it in and he hangs it up, since it lists EXACTLY what's going to be on sale (sometimes 7up/Dr Pepper are included in the sales, sometimes they aren't).
When receiving mail and packages, look at the labels and read the info to see if you even need to open it.
If it’s addressed to a specific person or title, you shouldn’t need to open it. Just deliver it.
If it says “scan based” then that means you don’t have to check it in. Just leave it in the appropriate area for the vendor to get it.
Some stuff it just isn’t clear and you’ll need to open it and dig to see what it is, but you’ll start recognizing things with time. You can always call another store and ask their receiver if you’re unsure.

I was only a backup receiver so I usually just let the soda and beer vendors do their thing, and only once told the coke rep not to order a whole pallet of Dasani when we still had a half pallet. Partner with the grocery TL and make sure they tell you if there are any issues.

I refused deliveries after dock hours all the time. That was time reserved for cleaning up and working on MIRs. I also occasionally accepted Pepsi late because I knew they were having a really hard time hiring and retaining drivers. Use your discretion, but be aware that if you refuse an order, they will have to call their boss and they may call the store and talk to the LOD. I always told the LOD when I refused something and why, so we were on the same page if they got the call.

@vendordontmesswithme @Backroomgirl @reverselogistics @jadetiger712
Things that you do not need to check in are Excell (mostly trading cards) MJ Holdings (cheap toys) ICU (glasses) American Greeting, Blackhawk (gifts cards), there are also sunglasses that come in that are scan based. If you store does fireworks, those also do not need to be checked in. If the box says Granger, that does not to be checked in and it goes to your PMT most of the time.

My vendors are usually pretty good about getting in before receiving closes. If they occasionally late I will still check them in. If you have a vendor who is consistently late try talking to them, and then try moving up to their boss if possible. Usually going higher up in the chain will get changes made. But I would talk to the LOD before denying a delivery because it could bite you in the butt. Then you will get random trailers in that deliver larger fixture and signing. They almost never show up before receiving officially closes, but if you deny them it can cause huge headaches.

With the Pepsi, Coke and American Bottling (Snapple) at least in my store I have no say what the vendors order. I make sure I have a copy of the next weeks ad on my desk so they can see what they have on sale. My reps are good at only ordering what they need. Most of the time it will go directly to the floor unless they have a build on Sunday. I really only keep on them if they have excessive backstock. If they seem like they are taking advantage of you with what they are ordering, talk to your ETL or the LOD.

Most of the time if a vendor forgets to add something onto their bill, they will most likely either redo the bill to add the item or just take it back out to their truck if they don't want to bother. Their bill needs to match what they bring in so they can get paid by their company. If they don't it is just screwing themselves over. The main thing to check for me is milk and American Bottling. Their deliveries are pre loaded so we have to check every item that came in and if something is missing we have to make sure they take it off the invoice.
The main thing to check for me is milk and American Bottling. Their deliveries are pre loaded so we have to check every item that came in
The milk delivery must suck to get through. At my store it was scan based, so I didn’t need to do anything except buzz him in.
The milk delivery must suck to get through. At my store it was scan based, so I didn’t need to do anything except buzz him in.
I would love that. Its not so bad with the new receive app, I can just scroll down and see what numbers are off or what we missed. The old app sucked. I just feel bad for the delivery guy cause he has to lift all the crates to get to all the items.
You dont need to scan in boxes marked SBT (scan based trading) Only movies we still scan in are Disney and Sony. Im in the receivers job 3 weeks.....loving and hating it at the same time. If I was in a low volume, it would be a great job, but being a high AA volume, and my desk being buried for 3+hours with this new ridiculous unload process, double trucks days are killing me.
You dont need to scan in boxes marked SBT (scan based trading) Only movies we still scan in are Disney and Sony. Im in the receivers job 3 weeks.....loving and hating it at the same time. If I was in a low volume, it would be a great job, but being a high AA volume, and my desk being buried for 3+hours with this new ridiculous unload process, double trucks days are killing me.
I'm guessing you have the third party that does movies and that's why you only scan in Disney and Sony.
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