Red vest?

Mar 23, 2021
I have been dying to get a red vest since I started working at target! Can someone please help me out? I’ll buy one off a past team member or maybe a present team member can show me where to buy one bc all used vests online are sold already.
I’ve been at stores that never used red vests at all and I’ve been to another store that probably 75% of the TMs all wore vests over whatever t-shirt they wanted to show off that day.
In the winter a fleece vest is your best bet. You can do plain red or plaid. Amazon sells it in their basics collections. Most of the vest options for warmer months that i've seen are the movie theater cut or a woman's cut.
We just got an email about the red vests. HR should have at least 2 of each size, as stated above.
We’ve had them and they disappear. They should be worn as temporary option but we have many people wearing them. Frustrates me when they show up no wearing red and they can’t find a vest. Stop making it my problem that you can’t dress for work.
the no vest rule is hit or miss across the company. I was at a store where GS all wore vests, it was just their thing. The DSD made a fuss about it at some point so they went away. Not long after drive up required reflective vest so a bunch of red reflective vests were purchased, now all of GS has red/ish vests again. The store I’m at now has TM vests, wearing name tags is a bigger issue in the stores opinion (rightfully so). ASANTS.
In the winter a fleece vest is your best bet. You can do plain red or plaid. Amazon sells it in their basics collections. Most of the vest options for warmer months that i've seen are the movie theater cut or a woman's cut.
I couldn't wear a fleece vest at my store even when it's cold outside. Our store is so damned hot for most of the year that I would overheat wearing that.
We’ve had them and they disappear. They should be worn as temporary option but we have many people wearing them. Frustrates me when they show up no wearing red and they can’t find a vest. Stop making it my problem that you can’t dress for work.
some of us don’t want a full closet of red shirts, it’s hideous and expensive.
I couldn't wear a fleece vest at my store even when it's cold outside. Our store is so damned hot for most of the year that I would overheat wearing that.

some of us don’t want a full closet of red shirts, it’s hideous and expensive.
Any vest would be too hot for me for most of the year. Even in the heart of winter I can get overheated quickly.

And with how lax the dress code is in my store, I have a wide variety of tops that do not scream "Target" if worn outside of work.

Also, thrift stores are your friends.

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