Archived Redcards on Black Friday?

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I would love it if the next POS update would have a dollar amount we could glance at and tell the guests how much they would save by opening a red card. I think a lot of guests don't understand how much it can add up.

Just estimate 10%/2
Our store did horrible with REDcards. I think about 25-30 and we are a busy Super Target. Despite being a cashier, I was in GS almost all day and doing random zoning/cleaning/etc and managed three.

On the same note, we had a TON of cashiers that were extremely new.... We probably should have hired a bit earlier as they seemed very overwhelmed.
I know last night at the huddle they said let's get red cards but needless to say at electronics I know it didn't happen and from what I heard from up front it wasn't too good either.
We apparently did really well...had over 110 when I came in at 1pm. Don't know what our ending number was but I'm interested to find out tomorrow. We had two-three people working the line last night talking up the RedCard, and were letting people get checked out at photo/jewelry/GS/pharmacy if they wanted to apply.
For our Thursday & Friday we didn't do all that well. We got what we'd get on many weekends.
I didn't ask anyone but I happened to get lucky enough to get 2. One of the ETL's said, "only 2? you were on a lane all night." I guess I can't win.
why didn't you ask anyone?

It was really packed for a good 6 hours. I had an ETL get onto a guest (that he knew) for holding me and another cashier up for trying to do a tax exempt on a few items. I wasn't about to hold up the line to ask someone if they wanted to apply for a redcard and make the mile long line, wait even longer.
On Black Friday, you'd have to be insane to ask people for RedCards but then again what better time to save money than a huge purchase. I know that our store is doing some kind of contest and making us work their little scheme for them while they rake the benefits. Apparently, we're being used so the losing teams have to make our ETL's breakfast. And we the people busting our butts off get nothing.

Also, I made a FA group...feel free to join!

That's crazy! Our store is doing a contest also, I got 15 redcards in an 8 hour shift and we still ended up losing. lol.
It was really packed for a good 6 hours. I had an ETL get onto a guest (that he knew) for holding me and another cashier up for trying to do a tax exempt on a few items. I wasn't about to hold up the line to ask someone if they wanted to apply for a redcard and make the mile long line, wait even longer.

That's one advantage of being able to do one long queue line and not letting any cashier's individual line get more than 1 or 2 deep.
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