Reporting a Near Miss

May 6, 2020
There was a near miss at my store recently.

The thing is our TL only talked to the person that MIGHT have gotten injured not the two of us that would involved too.

I find this odd.

How would the two of you have been involved? Would you have been injured? Were you the one who would have injured the other person? Would you have only witnessed the event?
Hard to say. Since no one was actually injured, maybe it is being swept under the rug. If an investigation was being made, it seems like they would have spoken to everyone immediately while their memories were still fresh. Or they could have reviewed camera footage and determined that no one was at fault and just let it go.
How would the two of you have been involved? Would you have been injured? Were you the one who would have injured the other person? Would you have only witnessed the event?
One person would have been injured.
One person would have caused the injury BUT NOT through negligence.
One would have been a witness (ME).
One person would have been injured.
One person would have caused the injury BUT NOT through negligence.
One would have been a witness (ME).
Gotcha. If someone had actually been injured, they would have asked a lot of questions to all 3 of you. But if no one actually got injured, they just need to know some basic info on what happened, which can probably be given by the person who was almost injured. They don't need a whole lot of information for a theoretical situation. They just need to know enough to try to prevent it in the future.

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