Archived Reporting an issue with search logic in item search and mywork

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Electronics TM
Oct 13, 2015
So I noticed a very specific problem with the myDevices and PDAs as an electronics TM. You cannot search for iPhone 6+ anything in the PDAs or myDevices in the regular item search and mywork apps. The reason for this is because the search function treats the + symbol as if it's nothing (I'm assuming that corporate just put in a filter for special characters that they didn't think would be used so as to not mess with search results if one was entered). You can actually search for anything plus a "+" and it will just give you the results for whatever it was without the "+", so it's not just an iPhone specific thing (though I haven't run into anything else that has a + in its name). No you cannot search iPhone 6 plus to alleviate the problem, but I'm sure the target app could be used just fine. It's actually not even that big of deal because we don't keep extra cases for iPhone 6+s in the back so we can always just look at the tags that are out there or just search the register for alternate colors/sizes/patterns, but it still is weird that I can't pull up a list of iPhone 6+ accessories on the myDevice if I want to.
The specific wording on the tags and the name in the inventory system for iPhone 6+ anything is pretty much always "ip6+" so if anyone can work some magic and figure something out I couldn't that would be great, but I feel like I've tried everything. I talked to a couple TLs including mine and a couple ETLs and they all suggested mySupport, but my TL for electronics tried mySupport last night and said he didn't find anything in the categories that would make sense with that sort of problem. I figured there would be someone knowledgeable enough here to know what to do so that's why I'm posting this here. Thanks for reading my stream-of-consciousness rant.
Try iPhone6, space & dept number or iPhone 6 Plus, not using the symbol. You can use the merchandise locate function as a 2nd choice, use other colors function.
We have very few 6 Plus cases, less than 15 items. No, we don't carry the new Samsung case, either.


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I figured there would be someone knowledgeable enough here to know what to do so that's why I'm posting this here.
@catrainer tagged the TMs who post on here and work on the myDevice team at corporate. One of them probably has an answer or knows who to pass it on to.
From google about using the "+" symbol in a search function.
Quotation Marks Replace the + Operator
Google elimiated the + operator in October 2011 and expanded the capabilities of the quotation marks (” ”) operator. In addition to using this operator to search for an exact phrase, you can now add quotation marks around a single word to tell Google to match that word precisely. So, if in the past you would have searched for [ magazine +latina ], you should now search for [ magazine "latina" ].

Force Google to match a term exactly by enclosing the term in quotation marks.

To force Google to search for a particular term, enclose the term between quotation marks " " So, to search for the satirical newspaper The Onion, use [ "The" Onion ].

The " " operator is typically used around stop words (words that Google would otherwise ignore) or when you want Google to return only those pages that match your search terms exactly.

Quotation Marks Force Google Search - Google Guide

Basically, using the "+" symbol will limit your search parameters.

I would prefer Spot to have a google type function in the Spot app to find stuff. Especially, when the words are misspelled or incomplete.
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The way Spot does the item names in the system is really wonky. If your MyDevice can handle running the Target app without crashing, try using the search function. The online names actually make sense and the search algorithm for is less picky. You can also specify colors, sizes, etc. Then just search for the DPCI in MyWork.
I love how you can search for the exact wording on a product's shelf label and get no results. Really great. I just want a picture of this mystery product so I know whether it's there or not. It'll say something vague like "Cr chi 5T sh" on the label and I'm like WTF is this thing I'm looking for?
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