Archived Research not working.

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Jun 19, 2014
Anybody else have rigs lately where the on hand count won't change. I've been doing the same rigs over and over for awhile now. for the most part the counts are way understated were we have like 80 in the back, but the oh is like 12. They won't go drastic. I've told all my leadership about this; none of them want to do anything to fix it. I'm up to at least 50 dpcis like this.
I called csc today about something unrelated and heard a pre recorded message about something not working right. It could’ve been that.
You could use the store counts adjustment form on Workbench, but it would be a massive pain in the ass for 50 items...
Is it true that when you zero something out in research you have to do it like three times in a row for it to actually zero out? That's what our APBP said
Probably basic but here some things I have learned.
For research Spot has built in “filters” that are safeguards to prevent overstock and Tm error. This ignores your count change until you beat the system. Some things that will filter: delivered recently, in a pull lately and many more. For this you must research everyday and verify in drastic until you get the accurate number.Example bulk paper/water.

Another scenario is if it’s multiple locs, if you don’t research every loc the system ignores you. Don’t forget the drastic again. Example checklane candy.

If disco or clearance also won’t change.

Or it’s just a glitch as Spot is good for them.
Hope this helps
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in a pull lately
Since the last Auto Pull date in myWork doesn't work anymore due to the Move transition, that filter wouldn't work either, would it? Or can myWork talk to Move for the pull date but just not in a way that's helpful to us? Ugh.
Is it true that when you zero something out in research you have to do it like three times in a row for it to actually zero out? That's what our APBP said
I don't know if it's really true, but that's what we were told. I think it's to give time just in case an item is in reshop, sitting in the wrong spot waiting to be found by an expert zoner or hasn't been backstocked.
Is that new separate research app coming out soon? I heard there is a window before rollout that we simply won't be able to do research. Could be related? Not totally sure tho. Something briefly mentioned at huddle.
there is a window before rollout that we simply won't be able to do research

there is a window before rollout that we simply won't be able to do research

there is a window before rollout that we simply won't be able to do research


I hope they understand what this will do to the Flexible Fulfillment team.
Is it true that when you zero something out in research you have to do it like three times in a row for it to actually zero out? That's what our APBP said

Sometimes it seems like it can take a day or so to actually change, in my experience.

Honestly, I have no idea what's going on right now. I've been told to use the audit app and possibly the new research app (or whatever), but... I don't know why, since mywork still has the research option and can still (apparently) do count updates.

so that's a big 'ol


from me.
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