Archived Reseller ban

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Someone returned 700 Little Mermaid moves to our store once because they didn't sell them all on eBay. We used to have some resellers come in and spend 40-100k at a time on gaming systems and some attachments once a week. The STL was chewed out when the higher ups found out and we ended up losing hundreds of thousands from all their sales added up.

Not to mention the labor costs it took to ring up the items just to have them returned. Then labor costs to return the items and restock them. Then the cost associated "end of shelf like" product - not sure what target calls this, but it's when an item is not "hot" but they are eating up valuable retail space. Some vendors and even companies won't send new product until the on hands of old product reduces.

Then costs associated with when the item is returned and it has now been clearanced out. The store lost out on full retail, because the reseller was just borrowing it. Then the nightmare if the product fell off planogram. Now a TM had to scratch his head for an hour on how to flex it in OR they will just back stock it and it will never sell - hence going through mult markdowns until it fall out of the system.

See, your STL was not thinking big picture. They were just wanting a boost in sales to look good on the books for a short time - until the returns hit.
Yeah that doesn't and never happened. You're check, what little it is, isn't going anywhere because a store sold out of a hot item at a great sale. How is that any differen't that people lining up at opening and buying the only 10 apple watches we and telling tons of other guest we are out?

It isn't

Though my comment was more aim at those gift cards, not limited numbers of items .

Come do my job for a day and you will see how much impact a reseller has on a company. Oh and BTW, if anyone is curious. Buying a large amount of GC is a red flag for money laundering.
Cool. A reseller cleaned us out of out Mp water last week though.

My check and hours are still unaffected
What about resellers buying items in bulk with online orders?
Cool. A reseller cleaned us out of out Mp water last week though.
My check and hours are still unaffected
During the summer of hurricane Katrina, my store was one of many stripped nearly clean as Rita bore down.
Air mattresses, tents, campstoves, lanterns, Back-to-College sheet sets, flashlights, bottled water, toiletry items, etc. - we did serious bank.
Weeks later, all that was unused was brought back: we were drowning in stock that had since gone clearance & we were having to mark it down as it rolled back in.
What sales we had were negated by all the returns.
Even worse, during the next year's sales for that time period we were so deep in the hole it was months before we recovered.
We cut hours like crazy.
THAT'S how MY check & hours were affected.
What about resellers buying items in bulk with online orders?

Deny the order. The flex fulfillment TM can easily ask for the LOD, and key not found. Atop of that, I had a guy ask if he could buy 18 Apple watches so he could send them to family overseas. He left with one.
Also your reseller buys out the hot gaming system. Great you got that boost in sales, but is it worth pissing off the soccer mom that drops $250 a week in your store? In my town she can literally walk across the street and spend that at our competition.

She can find Angel Soft toilet paper anywhere but can we find those consistent shoppers, spending $250 every week? Those are the people who make our business.

Make peace with good resellers who will keep it small and tell the assholes to pound sand. Good resellers will buy an attachment and will wait til Saturday night to buy what is left not show up on release day and try to buy out your stock.
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