Resigning through Workday

May 6, 2020
I am thinking of quitting soon and plan to use up all my vacation, sick days, etc. beforehand.

I realize that there is a place in Workday that you go and resign.

However since I am just a TM not a TL is there any point in doing that way.

I have the impression that once I do that it will just sit there until either HR or my TL looks at it.

Anyone who is resigning should do so in Workday. That’s how all voluntary terminations are processed. And it goes to the Leaders (not sure which - whether it’s all or yours specifically) but as an HRE I do not receive any. And it doesn’t just sit there, it starts the chain of events for your departure in the system. There are a few forms that will populate upon your termination.

I would suggest getting vacation approved to collect your payout first if you aren’t in a payout state.
You have to resign through workday.
I did it at home on loa, didn't even have to talk to anyone. Our HR assistant messaged me when she got it and told me I wouldn't be scheduled those last two weeks, put in my 2 hours of vacation pay, and it was done.

I actually prefer it that way than the old school method.
Definitely get your vacation paid out. I didn't and I regret it. I never saw that unused money again. 🙁 It will send an urgent alert to your leaders. By the time I told my leader when I resigned, (30 minutes had only passed), he already knew.

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