If you cannot appreciate the different challenges each workcenter faces and how we deal with them, I would highly recommend you hit the "Log Off" link on the top right hand side of this webpage and go take a walk, buddy. If you dare be so ignorant, I DARE you to go up to a GSTL in a different store and tell them you think they're a waste of payroll.
In that case, I really think the backroom day position should be eliminated, with the exception of 11-5. If they're not pulling CAFs, they don't need to be there! Right? If you need a guest check, a SFTM can do it!
And ya know what, let's eliminate the cart attendant while we're at it. Guests can do carryouts themselves! What about the stray carts? Let's do a wave-zone of the parking lot before we all clock out and we'll all grab carts.
GSTL/GSA? Yeah, whatever! Let's have the ETL-GE or the ETL-GE/Softlines take care of reviews, performance and attendance issues! We can have cashiers go do their own price checks. Speedweave? Pfft. Guests don't care what line they're in, as long as they eventually get out. Right? Oh, and the cashiers can take their breaks whenever they want. Need a supervisor override? Haha. Okay. Tell the LOD to stay at the checklanes all night. Or, give every cashier access to the changefund/supervisor override privileges. Nothing can go wrong, right?
After the night I just have, I could be a lot more uncivil and call you some really nasty names for being such an ignoramus. But, I'll let you figure out how I really feel about what you just said.
I'll be waiting for an apology for your super ignorant and downright disrespectful attitude.