Archived Resume Advice

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Mar 16, 2013
I have been looking to leave Target for a very long time now, but with the direction they have been going, I am beyond the "last straw". I have had a few interviews recently, but no offers. Any suggestions on what non-retail industries might be more willing to consider someone with only retail experience. I have a college degree, but am not necessarily looking to go into the field the degree is in, so that is irrelevant. Any thoughts on how to embellish the resume to make retail experiences translate to other industries, for example basic office work. I am also afraid potential employers sense my desperation, or think I am just trying to jump ship now because it is approaching "that time of year". Advice?
You don't necessarily need to embellish your resume. Know how to market yourself. Retail teaches you plenty of skills that are applicable to other fields. Most businesses cater to clients, customers, or someone who needs their services. Working in retail means keeping those people in mind, a skill any decent business should value. If you are looking for office work, emphasize your ability to work well with others, especially on a team. These are just a few suggestions to get you started. I hope you find something great!
If you put something on your resume, be sure that you're able to talk about it. You need to be careful when embellishing your resume. Sometimes it can do more harm than help.
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