Archived Return to Stock

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May 2, 2016
Another metric we have to worry Super confused by it and our district is in the red. Anyone have great routines around it?
Return to stock? Is this going through the online orders, and putting away stuff that got canceled? How is this done? I just happen to spend the better part of my night yesterday doing this. It took me half an hour to do it. The only way I've figured out how to do it, is the look up the order numbers in the MyGo app under the "advanced search" and seeing if it comes up as red or green. (red being the ones for "return to stock") Is there a more efficient way to do this?

Also, there was stuff that didn't even have order numbers on them, so I just put a note on them with the date, with the intention of just leaving them there for a week. If they're still there, I'll put them back.
At my store the we ( backroom ) own the return to stocks along with the FA. We check both first thing when we come in and every 30 min after 8am. The lod has a mydevice wit ha timer set for every 30 min...they call out over the walkie for us to check the fa. huge pain in the butt but I would rather have to check it every 30 min than miss one and hear their mouth.My store has a huge issue with things being taken out of the holding location and not being scanned out. Several times I have gone to the holding area to do a return to stck...scan the location and there is no item there.
Backroom handles them at my store. This should by done before 9am every morning. And then myFA should be checked at least every 30 minutes (preferably every 10-15) to pull any pending orders or get any return to stock.
Return to stock is handled by the backroom team. Any orders that are past the set number of days in a hold location or any that were canceled overnight are due by 9am. Return to stock can fall in at anytime if a guest or HQ cancels an order, backroom should be constantly checking.
As for looking for items in a hold location that you want to know if it is return to stock you can scan the order barcode under order inquiry and it will tell you whether the order is active in a hold location or return to stock (it's abbreviated on the top right hand corner I believe).
If you have a return to stock and the item(s) you're looking for are not in the location simply key in the DPCI it is looking for and the qty it shows, that way your metric will stay green.
All backroom team members pulling should log into redwire under all apps to receive alerts for MyFA. It's not perfect but does help.
Return to stock is handled by the backroom team. Any orders that are past the set number of days in a hold location or any that were canceled overnight are due by 9am. Return to stock can fall in at anytime if a guest or HQ cancels an order, backroom should be constantly checking.
As for looking for items in a hold location that you want to know if it is return to stock you can scan the order barcode under order inquiry and it will tell you whether the order is active in a hold location or return to stock (it's abbreviated on the top right hand corner I believe).
If you have a return to stock and the item(s) you're looking for are not in the location simply key in the DPCI it is looking for and the qty it shows, that way your metric will stay green.

Yup, the abbreviations when you look up an order through Order Inquiry will be things like:
HOLD- Currently active, in a hold location
RTSK- Inactive, remove from hold location and return to stock
COMP- I believe this means complete, the guest has picked up the order
At my store, the backroom team owns Return To Stock. Whoever opens is supposed to process all outstanding RTS, and when I'm working, I process them as soon as I notice them (or at my earliest convenience).

Anyone else have problems with TMs not removing the order labels before putting the items in re-shop? I used to find them all the time when working re-shop and it drives me crazy.

All backroom team members pulling should log into redwire under all apps to receive alerts for MyFA. It's not perfect but does help.

I log into Redwire as both Flexible Fulfillment and LOD to ensure I get all the alerts I need. I get alerts for new SPU orders, SPU orders with 15 min remaining, and INF (even if I'm the one who did it), but there doesn't seem to be an alert for RTS. I only know about them by checking the queue in MyFA.
RTS has to be done by 9am every day. If it is not done by 9am it drops out of the system forever as a RTS. It doesn't drop throughout the day. There is no alert for RTS, which if it's such a big deal put qn alert. The backroom team has finally gotten on the routine of checking it as soon as they have equipment, which is in the same area as spu. Front end also calls back to them at 830 to make sure it is done. Then every 30 mins front end calls back to BR to remind them to check for orders. This is in addition to being logged in to redwire as ff to get alerts. As far as going to the location and the product is not there, probably because it wasn't processed right in mygo when the guest came to pick up.
Yes, it does drop throughout the day if an order is cancelled. Just yesterday I received a ship to store order processed it and within 10 min had an alert from redwire that there was a return to stock and it was the item I had just processed. There are no redwire alerts for the return to stock due by 9am but you will receive them if there is one later on.
Another metric we have to worry Super confused by it and our district is in the red. Anyone have great routines around it?
The obvious thing to say is make sure you have a dedicated person or position who will always check return to stock and complete it by 9am (any cancelled orders during the day aren't due until 9am the next day). We have SFS do this, but it could also be the LOD, guest services, GSTL, or one of the backroom openers.

Our store had red RTS scores a while back and we found something interesting about it: If you go to complete return to stock and the item is not in the hold location, hitting "item not here" WILL negatively affect your metrics. It's not weighted as heavily but it still counts.

If your team is hitting "item not here" often, that is what's likely causing your store to be red. The way to cheat this is to just key in the DPCI that it's asking for to make it look like the item did get returned to stock. At our store, we concluded that guest services wasn't processing all orders correctly and was sometimes ringing them up through the POS if they couldn't get myGo to work.
Return to stock? Is this going through the online orders, and putting away stuff that got canceled? How is this done? I just happen to spend the better part of my night yesterday doing this. It took me half an hour to do it. The only way I've figured out how to do it, is the look up the order numbers in the MyGo app under the "advanced search" and seeing if it comes up as red or green. (red being the ones for "return to stock") Is there a more efficient way to do this?

Also, there was stuff that didn't even have order numbers on them, so I just put a note on them with the date, with the intention of just leaving them there for a week. If they're still there, I'll put them back.
Return to stock needs to be done with the myFA app on the PDA. If you just look up the status in myGo and toss the ones into reshop that come up as RTS, that doesn't help. They will still be queued in myFA for someone to complete.

Also with myFA, you can use the order inquiry function to scan items and see what the current status is.
Return to stock needs to be done with the myFA app on the PDA. If you just look up the status in myGo and toss the ones into reshop that come up as RTS, that doesn't help. They will still be queued in myFA for someone to complete.

Also with myFA, you can use the order inquiry function to scan items and see what the current status is.

Ah okay. Our backroom does NOT do any return to stock then. And I don't think anyone knows it's even their responsibility. I've done my hack version of this twice now. The first time took me an hour, and a lot of that merchandise had become missed salvage because it had been in there for so long. When I did it again a few days ago....there were orders in there from January and February. Sigh, frustrating.

So, anyway...even though I can confirm the order was canceled by looking it up with the MyGo App, I technically shouldn't be putting the orders back until they're properly processed? I don't know how to do anything on the PDAs and never used "MyFA" either. All I know how to use is MyGo on the MyDevices.
The PDA is pretty straightforward, and isn't too hard to navigate (except for the considerably worse touch screen).

You sign in with your TM number, and if you haven't used it before it will ask you a few setup questions, like what department you work in. Then hit the home button a few times on the top left until you get to a page with 6 apps. Scroll down once or twice using the down button on the screen and you should see myFA (the same icon as my pic on here). Return to stock is right there on the main myFA page, and order inquiry can be found by scrolling down. It will guide you through it as you go.
The PDA is pretty straightforward, and isn't too hard to navigate (except for the considerably worse touch screen).

You sign in with your TM number, and if you haven't used it before it will ask you a few setup questions, like what department you work in. Then hit the home button a few times on the top left until you get to a page with 6 apps. Scroll down once or twice using the down button on the screen and you should see myFA (the same icon as my pic on here). Return to stock is right there on the main myFA page, and order inquiry can be found by scrolling down. It will guide you through it as you go.

Ah okay. I mean, I used them years and years ago when I was in softlines. If they haven't changed since then, I'm sure I can figure it out. We only have a few of them now, and they're for the backroom. Since they don't do RTS, I guess I might as well learn. Lol. I'd complain, but I seriously don't think anyone knows it's supposed to be on Backroom.
Ah okay. I mean, I used them years and years ago when I was in softlines. If they haven't changed since then, I'm sure I can figure it out. We only have a few of them now, and they're for the backroom. Since they don't do RTS, I guess I might as well learn. Lol. I'd complain, but I seriously don't think anyone knows it's supposed to be on Backroom.

Does anyone audit defectives at your service desk? If so, they require a PDA to do that, so you might as well have them check for RTS.
Does anyone audit defectives at your service desk? If so, they require a PDA to do that, so you might as well have them check for RTS.

No. We just defect items at the register, and then we box everything up into separate boxes and containers. Like salvage, CRC, Esim, ect. Then we take them to the back where someone else takes over. No one at the service desk uses PDAs.
Our Backroom team handles RtS. Speaking of which, I forgot to do one last night that popped into the gun about 10 minutes before I left for the night. Woops. 🙄

I believe our Salvage/CRC gets audited at Receiving, if we do at all.
Our Backroom team handles RtS. Speaking of which, I forgot to do one last night that popped into the gun about 10 minutes before I left for the night. Woops. 🙄
It won't affect anything as long as it got cleared before 9am the next morning.
I've done order inquiry in myFA in the past, but I get slightly confused sometimes. What happens if it tells us "order details not found"?
I've done order inquiry in myFA in the past, but I get slightly confused sometimes. What happens if it tells us "order details not found"?
it means the order has sat too long and been cancelled but didn't drop into rts. or a lazy TM did the rts but didn't take the item out. It can just be reshopped if there are no details found
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