I’m trying to get our data integrity back on track; I’m not familiar with this report nor is anyone in my store. Is this the ‘extras’ picked up in RFID? What should I do with this data? Find and audit the listed DPCIs? Will auditing these count towards the manual audit completion percentage metric? Also, does anyone know how the goal for manual audits in greenfield is calculated? Some weeks we have lots of manual scans and we are only in the mid 70%s, some weeks we have less and are 100%, what should be audited for that metric? Thanks!
Why am I not seeing my scan that I did yesterday? Why is our Scan % so low?
The data for RFID should load by 1pm for your prior day's scan. But sometimes the data is only partially loaded which results in significantly higher than expected Reject %s. This will fix itself automatically the following day. If the issue persists, please submit a mySupport.
Why am I seeing extra inventory with a really high expected count and/or a really low scan %?
Scans performed in the same area on the same day are grouped into a single row. Therefore, if you perform a scan twice in one day, the numbers are aggregated. This can lead to a bad scan % if a partially completed scan is accidentally submitted.
We keep scanning, but we are not improving our Scan %. How do we improve our Scan %?
First, be sure to coach scanners to scan all areas carefully following RFID Best Practices. Then, please review the Reject Details Guidance card for how to best utilize the data there to improve Scan %.
Did we ever add new departments to the process?
Yes, at the end of 2019 we added departments 325, 332, 333. Departments may be added or changed in the future
Reject Details Guidance: this report offers recommendations on top items to audit, do not use the report in attempt to verify counts [ Item Count Difference = Expected - Scanned (not location specific) ]
1) Identify aisles and/or POGs with a lot of rejected items; only items with differences of more than 1 will populate the list. Use this knowledge to scan more carefully in the future (open doors and drawers, scan diligently around dense materials like denim, scan missed end caps, etc.)
2) Identify items with large count differences; only items with differences of more than 1 will populate the list. Use the Audit app update counts according to Manual Audit Best Practices, but do not spend time updating counts of items with small discrepancies; the RFID app will handle these.