Rfid scan

I have to do rfid for softlines and today was my second time doing it. At this point it seems like I will be the main person in softlines doing it. How long should it typically take to complete softlines rfid? Any pointers or tips to help me get done faster would be greatly appreciated. It literally took me forever and I still ended up only getting to 96% and staying over past my shift.

Depends on your store's wifi situation. Some of us have real issues with wifi - poor connections, dead zones, drop in coverage - and for us it takes us all shift to scan softlines (some stores rolling it into the next shift depending on how adamant the STL is about a "perfect score"). Softlines takes me a full shift but my STL is not adamant about 98% on the gun itself because what we're seeing is not matching what they have on their end to begin with. I generally scan and revisit areas from lowest percentage to highest in repeated rotation until the device is no longer updating. When you get to where you're only getting a handful of hits in an hour's time or none at all it's clear it's not going to get any better. Then we send. Keep in mind that if you have wifi issues you will leave an area and return to it several times picking up new hits with each revisit until it won't take anymore.

Domestics usually takes me half a shift.

For PST the deadline to send the report is 5pm. I'm not sure what the deadline is in other time zones. We generally start at 4am and try to be done in a single shift. By starting as early as possible we know if the system crashes or fails that we'll still have time to try again (even if we have to hand it off to someone else). Also, it's nice to be able to get half or all of the scan out of the way before guests start rollin in when possible. 🙂
Thank you... my shift was from 8 am to 3pm and I ended up staying until 4:30 and got rfid to 96 % our store manager told me it should have only takin me 3 hours to do it lol clearly he has never done it before. I have to still assist guest and sometimes answer the phone all while doing rfid along with WiFi problems etc.... I’m just waiting to see if I will be the only person in sf scheduled to do it.
Thank you... my shift was from 8 am to 3pm and I ended up staying until 4:30 and got rfid to 96 % our store manager told me it should have only takin me 3 hours to do it lol clearly he has never done it before. I have to still assist guest and sometimes answer the phone all while doing rfid along with WiFi problems etc.... I’m just waiting to see if I will be the only person in sf scheduled to do it.

He's full of shit.. Very full of shit..
What he said....lol Yeh, no way it's going to take you 3 hrs in softlines with crappy wifi. You'd be lucky if it took you 3 hrs in domestics. 😛

I have no doubts, ours tried that BS so at the 4hr mark we showed her what we had and her eyes bugged out it was so low. We have shown her where the gun goes dead in the backroom cause of a dead zone. I love now they want an update and I tell them your guess is about as good as mine since it longer updates.. She nearly flipped her wig when she saw that..
I have no doubts, ours tried that BS so at the 4hr mark we showed her what we had and her eyes bugged out it was so low. We have shown her where the gun goes dead in the backroom cause of a dead zone. I love now they want an update and I tell them your guess is about as good as mine since it longer updates.. She nearly flipped her wig when she saw that..

Yeh, when they start giving me guff, that's the time I give them a little training on what it really means to run RFID. It is SOOO amazing how quickly seeing for themselves shuts them up. (Or at least turns their grumbling toward the wifi and corporate for making us do this stuff).
One of my TLs' off day is scan day. Today they said I should not be doing the scan. I said well then, who would you suggest? They said "a slow person. Then we could document it if they only got 5 hits in an hour's time." I told them there's been times where I got only about that much in an hour as I was trying to work my way up to that 98%. They just said "oh" and stopped right there. Just had to share a little humor...they have no idea what this damn scan is like...
Today was awful. Multiple posting errors. Finally had to send at 94% on the gun. Not happy about it but it just wasn't working right and every time I reset it I got nowhere. Plus over 6K extras. -_- Then I had an "error sending scan" twice before it went through so I'm not even sure it did. The ETL-LOG wants me to "My Support" the issues I had... *sigh*
Today was awful. Multiple posting errors. Finally had to send at 94% on the gun. Not happy about it but it just wasn't working right and every time I reset it I got nowhere. Plus over 6K extras. -_- Then I had an "error sending scan" twice before it went through so I'm not even sure it did. The ETL-LOG wants me to "My Support" the issues I had... *sigh*

When I left and my TL took over we had the 6k of extras, I ran it up from %40 to %89 and he took over, he's tall so he can get hits I don't just being shorter. We have seen it with our own eyes, that he picks up stuff I just don't.. So knowing him, he will do a loop through and call it. We are so done with this waste of time. We have said we will split the duty with them but they need to start actually doing their part.
My store still does research in many of these softlines areas where RFID is done. Seems like a waste of time.
RFID scan updates OHQ for my store.
Well that's awesome. I have no way to tell now that checkpoint just says we don't have everything. When they were doing the scan with the iPods I could key in a DPCI in checkpoint and MyWork and they would have totally different numbers all the time.

But I still don't think it's working because I'm still regularly getting orders for RFID stuff that I can't find anywhere.
So this was week 4 of the newer process with the scan on the zebra... honestly I have never felt more defeated by a piece of technology. I used to be able to get the scan done no problem (we are a smaller store) and be in the green but now it’s a living nightmare. I check here weekly to see if I’m not alone in this.
I get to about 93% or 95% and then it becomes nearly impossible to find anything. My ETL had me go through the back room on the ladder pulling out every Waco to make sure it was detecting stuff. I’m just at a loss at what to do at this point to even get green without taking the entire 7 hour shift I’m scheduled for the softlines day. The hardlines day I only have a couple hours due to the fact I’m supposed to join the truck and push/breakout softlines.
Does anyone have any tips to pick up more hits or noticed anything that helps the process?
I never thought I’d say it but I miss the beeping so much!
So this was week 4 of the newer process with the scan on the zebra... honestly I have never felt more defeated by a piece of technology. I used to be able to get the scan done no problem (we are a smaller store) and be in the green but now it’s a living nightmare. I check here weekly to see if I’m not alone in this.
I get to about 93% or 95% and then it becomes nearly impossible to find anything. My ETL had me go through the back room on the ladder pulling out every Waco to make sure it was detecting stuff. I’m just at a loss at what to do at this point to even get green without taking the entire 7 hour shift I’m scheduled for the softlines day. The hardlines day I only have a couple hours due to the fact I’m supposed to join the truck and push/breakout softlines.
Does anyone have any tips to pick up more hits or noticed anything that helps the process?
I never thought I’d say it but I miss the beeping so much!

I am right there with you with a remodel happening at the same time so crap is everywhere. We are at the point if it hits over 70% we call it cause after 7hrs we are just "done" at this point. It is such a waste of time. We are the only ones who do it so they don't understand why it is so hard we tell then fine "You do it" and we get silence back and they quit bitching until the crap numbers come back the next week.. Wash rinse repeat.
I've been handed off RFID for hardlines in my store and this is the experience I've had with it:

I've never gotten the scan to say anything above 95% on the Zebra. In the actual report it shows the percentage being much higher than what the Zebra said so I'm not sure if the Zebra is mistakenly counting some product as extra or if selling of the product by the time the report is generated is bumping up the percentage.

For scans on salesfloor, aisles need to be walked multiple times. The RFID training even mentions high density areas will require multiple walk throughs in order to pick up all the tags. So I take my time on the aisles and try to get the gun to scan as many angles as practical. So for stuff on pegs I'll walk through the aisle just with the gun pointed straight at the product, then on my next pass at each section I'll scan from the side of the product, go up to the top, point the gun down above the product, and continue down to the other side. These areas I usually get very high scores on with the Zebra ~99%. For product on shelves I will walk the aisle with the gun pointed one shelf at a time at a leisurely pace. If RFID tags are making contact with metal it will interfere with the gun. So for placemats and rugs I'll lift them up a bit to make sure the tags aren't contacting the shelf. Towels are a nightmare because it's so dense there. After my first few passes I'll actually put the gun on the shelf and let it do its thing for a bit and move it to the next shelf. Hand Towels and washcloths really don't like being picked up with the RFID. Out of pure frustration I actually demerched each handtowel/washcloth shelf on my aisles, put them in a shopping cart, went the next section over that had no RFID product and scanned it there. That actually added quite a bit to the count. Make sure you hit any clearance endcaps because clearance does count towards the scan total. I also walk the front lanes to make sure nothing is hiding in their go back bins as well and quickly walking endcaps in other departments. I also walk the stuffed animals in toys since kids bedding has a habit of finding its way over there.

For the back room scans I've found that the scanner works way better than it does on the floor, but you need to be level with the product for it to be picked up. So I'll climb up the ladder to pickup up product on the very top shelves. The Wacos prevent metal interference and even though some areas are more RFID product dense than the floor, it doesn't seem to be an issue for the scanner. Me walking through back room aisle multiple times usually is negligible in terms of adding counted product (under 10 per additonal pass) but being level with the product does (added a couple hundred for me before). I'll use a wave in receiving to make sure I'm getting the best chance of scanning RFID.

I'm not sure what everyone else's experience with hardlines RFID is like but for me collection bedding, curtains, rugs, and basic bedding usually scan at 98% or higher while soft decor, kids home, and bath miss the most.
"Completed" my first hardlines RFID scan this week with a dismal 94%. I am wondering if the fact that SFQ is not completed in newly set areas and research not complete affects the expected numbers or is it based upon received items (which does not always correspond to OH if SFQ is not done).
On average, how much time is your store scanning? Is more the one person? What time does your store start scan, and what time do you submit scan?
On average, how much time is your store scanning? Is more the one person? What time does your store start scan, and what time do you submit scan?

Our softlines scan day takes a full 8 hr shift. Only one person does it. The only time we ever passed it off was when there was a system crash and we had to start all over close to that person having to get off for the day. (Um, that person is me.) I start the scan at 4am. This allows for the wifi not to be bogged down by guest phones for the first four hours (if the wifi is up and working well). It also allows for a hand off to another TM should there be any sort of system failure that causes us to have to restart and hand off. Scan is due by 5pm for us PST. So far I've only had to hand off once.

I usually turn in the softlines scan somewhere between 11:30am and 12:30pm depending on how well it's going. I am required to check in with ETL-LOG if he's in the building before turning scan in. If he is not in the building, I check in with the LOD of that shift. I do not make the decision to turn in the scan on my own. Once I get the okay, I turn in the scan as close to our store servers as I can. (Probably not necessary but I still have a residual bit of paranoia from this process).

Hardlines scan day usually takes four hours or close to five hours for me. About half a shift. Same process. I have to get permission to turn in the scan and I usually do right before 9am if there aren't any issues (again, starting scan at 4am).

Lately we've been turning in the score somewhere around 95 and 96%. Our softlines scan continuously (so far) comes back at 98%/green while our Domestics hits a high 97% for yellow but when they average our scores they give us a mid 98% over all which makes us green. We're doing well for the moment compared to the district and group so my STL is happy.
When I left and my TL took over we had the 6k of extras, I ran it up from %40 to %89 and he took over, he's tall so he can get hits I don't just being shorter. We have seen it with our own eyes, that he picks up stuff I just don't.. So knowing him, he will do a loop through and call it. We are so done with this waste of time. We have said we will split the duty with them but they need to start actually doing their part.

Okay, so you are starting to sound more and more like my mirror twin every day. LOL!! I'm short too and I sometimes grab taller TMs and have them scan areas that are over my head. In the backroom I have to get the wave to scan the hanging clothes just to make sure we're getting them. 😛
I found out that the signing wizard has an extension pole. Since you don't actually have to be holding the trigger, you can attach the RFID scanner to the pole (zip tie or rubber bands) and scan everything all the way to the ceiling, without the Wave or a ladder. Kinda hurts my neck after a while though, looking straight up for 30 minutes or more.
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On average, how much time is your store scanning? Is more the one person? What time does your store start scan, and what time do you submit scan?
Hardlines I spend about 3 hours including my 15min break as I do the RIGs first. Softlines I spend 5 hours and pass it off as needed.
Hardlines 4-5 hours, Softlines 5-6 hours. Not having any realtime feedback is ridiculous. One person scanning, start at 6 or 8, submit once I've scanned for an hour without increasing percentage.
HL takes 1.5-2 hrs (typically just over 10k items) and SL I usually finish in 4.5-5 hrs (about 80k items)

I usually call it quits now days at 96-97% but it always comes out 98%+ and green in the metric
HL takes 1.5-2 hrs (typically just over 10k items) and SL I usually finish in 4.5-5 hrs (about 80k items)

I usually call it quits now days at 96-97% but it always comes out 98%+ and green in the metric

You HAVE to be in a store with some decent wifi. I have the same numbers but our wifi sucks really bad so it takes longer. ><
I found out that the signing wizard has an extension pole. Since you don't actually have to be holding the trigger, you can attach the RFID scanner to the pole (zip tie or rubber bands) and scan everything all the way to the ceiling, without the Wave or a ladder. Kinda hurts my neck after a while though, looking straight up for 30 minutes or more.

Hrmm... wonder if ours does. Something to look into.

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