Sad to leave Target


Soup Sandwich Artist
Sep 26, 2017
Hello all, after close to four years its time for me to hang up my Target gear. I'm very thankful for all the leaders I've had come and go at my store and super thankful for all my fellow teammates. Target became a home for me. I'll miss it greatly. I've finished school this year and have been applying to jobs in my field. I was fortunate enough to be hired within a few months. Who knows, maybe I'll be back at Target in Minnesota as a software developer. I'd be more than happy to come back to Target.

If Target had a better system for promotion I may have stayed. As it stands a fresh graduate that never worked at Target has a better shot at becoming an ETL than I do. Unfortunately TL pay is not comparable so I have no choice but to abandon ship. I'll miss working for Target, I regret nothing. Heck, I'm still going to lurk here! I don't post here much, due to corporate eyes, but the community here is great and I have no intention of leaving.

Best of luck to all of you!
Good for you. Looking out for yourself is important. It's the spots loss that they are losing a knowledgeable hard worker who just finished school.

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