Archived Salaried work

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Feb 27, 2015
If Target has no hours to push product, have cashiers, or finish backstocking, then the salaried employees should be doing it.

Someone has to do it. And you are paid a flat salary to work. If that means you are there 16 hours, then get to it.

But don't try cutting my hours AND expecting me to do 40 hours of work in 32 hours. Not happening.

And if you don't like it, quit.
If Target has no hours to push product, have cashiers, or finish backstocking, then the salaried employees should be doing it.

Someone has to do it. And you are paid a flat salary to work. If that means you are there 16 hours, then get to it.

But don't try cutting my hours AND expecting me to do 40 hours of work in 32 hours. Not happening.

And if you don't like it, quit.

Agreed. At my current store; all the ETLs are rolling up their (red) sleeves and doing the necessary work to get things done and stay current w/ the demands of the store. ( There's only one fat-ass on the Exec Team who won't step up; and he's the most recently promoted, go figure)........ Anywaaaaaayyyyy....... At my old company, I was salaried; and I share you're philosophy, @unknown ------ if payroll is cut and the Team isn't there to do the work....... Myself, and the other salaried Execs were "free" help. We did the work. Period.
Yep I have an ETL help me on SFS every day for 2-4 hours. They don't want to schedule a 2nd person, even for half a shift so they have no other option if they want to stay green.
No choice. I cashiered all day Friday.

If you're stl can't challenge the ETLs to support the team. Shame on them.
No etl can help out when there’s a sbux call out though. Not even my own ETL-GE. Or any other TL. Its pathetic how much on the back burner my work center is.
Same situation here with my SBux. I'm not even allowed to tell my SBux DM that I don't have support from my store. 🙁
My ETL constantly says he has to “cut” time and works 5 to 6 hours every day when he’s not LOD, and he’s only LOD one night a week. It’s maddening. My STL isn’t really AP savvy and doesn’t seem to care what he does as long as our APBP doesn’t complain.
If Target has no hours to push product, have cashiers, or finish backstocking, then the salaried employees should be doing it.

Someone has to do it. And you are paid a flat salary to work. If that means you are there 16 hours, then get to it.

But don't try cutting my hours AND expecting me to do 40 hours of work in 32 hours. Not happening.

And if you don't like it, quit.
If a salaried employee spends more than 35% of their time doing non executive duties they must be paid overtime.
If a salaried employee spends more than 35% of their time doing non executive duties they must be paid overtime.
I kinda hope an ETL somewhere will realize that and file a class action lawsuit. I wonder what's cheaper...paying legal costs and overtime for ETLs, or staffing the stores correctly in the first place?
I kinda hope an ETL somewhere will realize that and file a class action lawsuit. I wonder what's cheaper...paying legal costs and overtime for ETLs, or staffing the stores correctly in the first place?
I'm gonna go with the one where they don't lose the lawsuit. My former employer lost one and had to change all salaried managers except the store manager to hourly and make them work 15 hours mandatory overtime per week.
The grocery manager there would work 55 hours but 32-40 of them would be pushing freight. And maybe 3 to write the schedule and another 5 to do 5 orders.
The Flow TL when I first signed on did absolutely everything he could to help ensure work got done. That included working truck along with us. I admire him and his work ethic. It's a shame he got pushed out by spt but he's doing much better for himself now. Trucks are a mess at my store ever since he left though.
Same situation here with my SBux. I'm not even allowed to tell my SBux DM that I don't have support from my store. 🙁
It is soo bad, I feel like I got duped in to taking this position with money I am getting. I would have negotiated way up.
If a salaried employee spends more than 35% of their time doing non executive duties they must be paid overtime.

^^^ Can't say that I've ever heard this before.

I know there's some sort of law protecting "salaried" execs making less than $30,000 yr...... they're entitled to O/T after 45hrs (?...don't quote me on this).
19 years ago, my STL made the ETLs stay and finish the job. We were clean every day. Now you are lucky to see some ETLs put in 40. And some of those keep a chair warm in the office.. and not the ETL-HR, who is supposed to have more off-stage than any other ETL.
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I don't think it's quite that simple, as it would likely have to apply over a certain period of time. The expectation week-to-week is that hours for salaried people may vary, and to be classified as exempt your job duties have to fall into certain categories, etc. You can't classify people as exempt as a way to get around paying them overtime (my day job did this for certain types of employees, including my husband, and got busted for it a few years back), but if it's February and hours are low and ETLs are jumping around to lend a hand in different areas because payroll is low, that likely wouldn't be enough to constitute a violation. If ETLs were routinely expected to work more than 40 hours a week and spend half of that doing TM tasks, and not executive duties (for example), then yes they could have a complaint, but if it works like it did at my company, it would result in ETLs being converted to hourly (at the same total annual salary rate).
The Flow TL when I first signed on did absolutely everything he could to help ensure work got done. That included working truck along with us. I admire him and his work ethic. It's a shame he got pushed out by spt but he's doing much better for himself now. Trucks are a mess at my store ever since he left though.
Flow TL is not salaried and is supposed to help push the truck.
If a salaried employee spends more than 35% of their time doing non executive duties they must be paid overtime.

Yes and they put out a yearly survey to all of us asking us what we spend our time on (management vs task), so that they can have proof that we are achieving the appropriate balance. We have to lie on the survey or face retaliation from our STL and DTL, with multiple status sessions and crap so we don’t do it again.
The only two ETL's in my store, who actually throw down, and do some work, are my ETL-Log, and ETL-HR.

All the rest, are pretty much Lay-&-complain-abouts.
Yes and they put out a yearly survey to all of us asking us what we spend our time on (management vs task), so that they can have proof that we are achieving the appropriate balance. We have to lie on the survey or face retaliation from our STL and DTL, with multiple status sessions and crap so we don’t do it again.

So pretty much.... act like a Team Member? but STL=TL, and DTL=ETL/STL.

If a salaried employee spends more than 35% of their time doing non executive duties they must be paid overtime.

With this argument, if I get 60 hours of work, done in 35 hours, when only scheduled 40 (This is Target's judgement, not mine). I should also get 25 hours of overtime pay.
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