Archived salary for tm

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Jun 23, 2015
I wish they offered salary pay for certain tm's who go above and beyond... obviously not etl kind of pay. but slightly higher than normal pay. just so they can easily get in fourty and a little more. i would totally jump at the chance, and actually achieve all my work and then some if i were given the hours. what do you think?
By 'salary pay' do you mean (1) pay TMs salary (at a normal TM rate), or (2) pay high-achieving TMs hourly pay close to what the salaried employees make?

If it's #1... good luck with that. There's a reason why most workers covered by FLSA are nonexempt and hourly.

If it's #2... they do. It's called become a Senior TL.
They would probably abuse it and just make you work 60+ hour weeks so that you aren't making any more money per hour.

Kind of like how some SrTLs in the $20/hr range won't bother going for ETL because they'd end up getting less per hour.
In order to classify someone as exempt meaning salary, that person needs to be able to show that 50% of thier time is spent on leadership duties. Salaried positions need to be managing a process or people, hiring and firing authority, as well as develop people or a process. Thats why in California, the state that is SUPER strict, you will see store managers of small retail shops being paid hourly because they don't fit the qualifications.
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