Archived salty LODS

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May 13, 2019
When I was picking my cart this morning for more than 30 minutes because they were ALL bathing suits and most of them weren't even on the floor and some were in the backroom repacks, I told my one of the LODS who was working with SFS today with us about it and he's like not gonna lie thats a little ridiculous thats half of your cart.... and im just like.. sorry thats my fault that we dont have half the stuff on the floor like what do you want me to do about it? like I hate how they blame us that we can't find these items its not our fault. what the fuck. Does anyone else have this problem when they blame you for something thats not on the floor or you can't find the items?
Ignore them. You’re the one picking, you’ll finish when you finish. So many Leads and ETLs don’t understand how SFS depends on every department of the store being 100%. Softlines has ten pallets of repacks in the back? I’m going repack diving for the next hour. The zone sucks? Well fuck. I get left alone most of the time ( seriously, they might check in once ALL day ), but they trust that I know what the hell I'm doing. They know that if I can’t find it, no one else will. Or look for it. SFS gets the best look at the health of a store. And if I have a problem with a certain area, I let my Lead know. Hey so and so, orders are heavy for HBA so how about we tackle those repacks so I don’t miss goal times. Hey, I keep finding a lot of unlocated product in BEDS, so let’s make sure the DBO of that area is more careful. So on and so on.
Was your LOD saying it was ridiculous there was so much swim or ridiculous you couldn’t find half the stuff?

Did you use the RFID gun? Did you partner with someone from Softlines?
Was your LOD saying it was ridiculous there was so much swim or ridiculous you couldn’t find half the stuff?

Did you use the RFID gun? Did you partner with someone from Softlines?
ridiculous I couldn't find half the items, and yeah I always use the rfid gun and yeah I had people help :/ it said 0 on the floor 0 in the back 0 on hand like wtf u want me to do salty lod lmao
Ignore them. You’re the one picking, you’ll finish when you finish. So many Leads and ETLs don’t understand how SFS depends on every department of the store being 100%. Softlines has ten pallets of repacks in the back? I’m going repack diving for the next hour. The zone sucks? Well fuck. I get left alone most of the time ( seriously, they might check in once ALL day ), but they trust that I know what the hell I'm doing. They know that if I can’t find it, no one else will. Or look for it. SFS gets the best look at the health of a store. And if I have a problem with a certain area, I let my Lead know. Hey so and so, orders are heavy for HBA so how about we tackle those repacks so I don’t miss goal times. Hey, I keep finding a lot of unlocated product in BEDS, so let’s make sure the DBO of that area is more careful. So on and so on.
yeah thats true, I always ignore them like stop talking down on me im the one doing the picking and you're not they dont understand how hard it is, when they keep going after you to find items within 30 minutes then pack when most of the items are on the floor plus guests asks for help also like leave me the hell alone. I would like to see u try and actually pick a cart!! and yeah same! I understand what you're saying!
Ignore them. You’re the one picking, you’ll finish when you finish. So many Leads and ETLs don’t understand how SFS depends on every department of the store being 100%. Softlines has ten pallets of repacks in the back? I’m going repack diving for the next hour. The zone sucks? Well fuck. I get left alone most of the time ( seriously, they might check in once ALL day ), but they trust that I know what the hell I'm doing. They know that if I can’t find it, no one else will. Or look for it. SFS gets the best look at the health of a store. And if I have a problem with a certain area, I let my Lead know. Hey so and so, orders are heavy for HBA so how about we tackle those repacks so I don’t miss goal times. Hey, I keep finding a lot of unlocated product in BEDS, so let’s make sure the DBO of that area is more careful. So on and so on.

This. I think it's important to let your lead and above know when other teams not getting their stuff done is causing problems and that you're trying to work through them. "Hey, [GMTL], I'm looking for some vitamins that were supposed to have been delivered Tuesday. Are there some repacks from that truck left somewhere or did you guys come clean on it?" "Hey, [style TM] we do have some more of those swimsuits I was asking about. They're hanging in the back." "Hey, [TL], I'm going to have to INF a couple party decorations that should have been delivered this morning. I can't look through these repacks any longer if we're going to meet goal time. But, we should still be good on INFs." Or, the opposite on the last one, "Hey, [TL], I'm going to go over on a goal time here to keep looking through repacks as INFs were a bit high this morning while waiting for the trailer unload."

Doesn't need to be done everytime, but once in awhile let's them know you're doing your job the way you're supposed to. Keeps the ETLs and SD happy and out of your business.
ridiculous I couldn't find half the items, and yeah I always use the rfid gun and yeah I had people help :/ it said 0 on the floor 0 in the back 0 on hand like wtf u want me to do salty lod lmao

the on hand numbers are subtracted from when the order drops into epick

0 on hand means 1 on hand if you're picking an order
Unless and my work aren't talking to each other yet again. I got to where I checked my work first when the SFS/OPU guy would need help, because far too many times we'd search high and low only to find the quantity was either 0/0/0 or 0/0/1 and their picking program didn't tell them that.
Yesterday, all our INF was apparel. And dang, it takes awhile to pull 30 items when every item is a swimsuit or swimsuit piece.
Started a batch exactly like that, paused it and started another. Fuck that, I’ll leave that one for last.
This. I think it's important to let your lead and above know when other teams not getting their stuff done is causing problems and that you're trying to work through them. "Hey, [GMTL], I'm looking for some vitamins that were supposed to have been delivered Tuesday. Are there some repacks from that truck left somewhere or did you guys come clean on it?" "Hey, [style TM] we do have some more of those swimsuits I was asking about. They're hanging in the back." "Hey, [TL], I'm going to have to INF a couple party decorations that should have been delivered this morning. I can't look through these repacks any longer if we're going to meet goal time. But, we should still be good on INFs." Or, the opposite on the last one, "Hey, [TL], I'm going to go over on a goal time here to keep looking through repacks as INFs were a bit high this morning while waiting for the trailer unload."

Doesn't need to be done everytime, but once in awhile let's them know you're doing your job the way you're supposed to. Keeps the ETLs and SD happy and out of your business.
thank you!!! ill try that 🙂
I am a Style Lead and I know how difficult it can be for you guys to pick in Softlines. Our fulfillment team constantly struggles with it. It is never your fault if you can't find anything after doing everything in your power to find it, or if they think you can make deadline while sifting through repacks. I'm not sure what your store has going on in terms of freight, but I always do everything I can to help our fulfillment team find softlines items because it's hard. I agree with most of the posts. Definitely call out what you can't find and the Lead should help you. Before our store INFs anything they have to tell a LOD and they have to search for it too. If your store doesn't do this, then maybe bring up the idea and see if it works for your store. Your lead should partner with the Style Lead and discuss ways to make your job easier; that's what our store does. It's going to get really rough here soon with BTC/BTS so bring up these issues and follow up. I would recommend starting with how inefficient it is making the team and then go into the importance of guest experience and sales. That should grab their attention.
^ This is the type of garbage the SFS team has to put up with. Last sold almost 15 years ago. But no, we have to keep looking through the backroom until we find it. If we don't find it it's a talking to. (Not a coaching, because then we have to sign something.) Even if SFS team members were perfection personified, they still can't find things that aren't there. And since there's no way to prove that something is not there, they will keep getting blamed, and moved to other areas of the store, and the store management will wonder why in the span of 15 months we've gone through 7 SFS TMs.
We did carry those pins years ago. I did a fast search on Google & target by name or dpci, got not hits at all. What does your on hand counts say? 0 on floor, 0 in backroom(1 on hand)?
but I always do everything I can to help our fulfillment team find softlines items because it's hard.

It's not that hard for all of softlines to assist. If SFS/OPU needs help, then the TMs on the floor should help. Describe where to find it if it'll be easy to find (that bridal t-shirt should be in intimates but the bulk of them end up in graphic tees, look there, let me know if you don't find it quickly), help search the racks and the tables in all possible areas if difficult to find because familiarity + a second set of eyes (children's uniform pants, non UT jeans that could be in UT). It shouldn't be on the shoulders of the TL alone.
Before our store INFs anything they have to tell a LOD and they have to search for it too. If your store doesn't do this, then maybe bring up the idea and see if it works for your store

This can be a great idea and it can also be a terrible one. Not all leads are the same and many like to waste fulfillment's time by having them look for items in places the item is very unlikely to be. It's a good idea if you have TMs who are new to the position and/or who don't know where to look for things. In my personal experience talking to leads before INFing rarely results in saving us from an INF. The only time it does is when the lead cops to oh yeah, I totally put that thing in this place it doesn't belong because I didn't want to deal with it. Not a normal occurence at any store I would hope. Otherwise, talking to leads is just yeah, I checked there. Checked there too. I also checked there. Yup, looked there and to save your breath, I know people often mistock it over in X and I checked there.

The best thing leads can do to help fulfillment is to make sure that their own teams get their stuff done and done right. For style that means do your reshop, clear out the fitting room, come clean on the truck, and don't have product hanging unlocated in the back that when the floor needs to be replenished with it. We don't really have time to RFID half the store looking for one T-shirt. Also, zone. Please zone.
We used to have a binder where we wrote down our names, the DPCI of the item we couldn’t find, the on hands, and we needed to get the LODs signature. Lasted all of two weeks because most of the LODs that were supposed to help look for the items, didn’t. They just signed off on it. Fulfillment is the ugly step sister no one pays attention to; they either didn’t have time to help because they had their own things to do, or didn’t care, because it wasn’t their metrics at stake. I cannot stress this enough: SFS/OPU can only be as good as the rest of the store is. If I can’t find the item, the guest isn’t going to find it, boom lost sales.
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The best thing leads can do to help fulfillment is to make sure that their own teams get their stuff done and done right. For style that means do your reshop, clear out the fitting room, come clean on the truck, and don't have product hanging unlocated in the back that when the floor needs to be replenished with it. We don't really have time to RFID half the store looking for one T-shirt. Also, zone. Please zone.
I always help fulfillment, glad to in fact because I know A&A pretty damn well and if it's on the floor I will find it. And what you describe is exactly what Softlines should be getting done on a daily basis. Unfortunately, in recent times that is more often than not just a sweet, sweet fantasy.
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We used to have a binder where we wrote down our names, the DPCI of the item we couldn’t find, the on hands, and we needed to get the LODs signature. Lasted all of two weeks because most of the LODs that were supposed to help look for the items, didn’t. They just signed off on it. Fulfillment is the ugly step sister no one pays attention to; they either didn’t have time to help because they had their own things to do, or didn’t care, because it wasn’t their metrics at stake. I cannot stress this enough: SFS/OPU can only be as good as the rest of the store is. If I can’t find the item, the guest isn’t going to find it, boom lost sales.
That's insane. This is an item a guest has basically already purchased. It's not just a lost sale, it's an irate customer who may now think twice before shopping here again because we can't get our shit together.
For style that means do your reshop, clear out the fitting room, come clean on the truck, and don't have product hanging unlocated in the back that when the floor needs to be replenished with it. We don't really have time to RFID half the store looking for one T-shirt. Also, zone. Please zone.

That is the goal, but there's never enough hours given to accomplish all that. With modernization, style is basically triage - bandage the gaping wounds first and then move on down to severe wounds, and then walk away from the bleeding patient because you don't have the time to bandage the bad wounds much less the wounds that need stitches or the wounds that just need a good cleaning.
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