Archived Sap

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Mar 30, 2012
The new and not improved version of tipp. I hate it so much 500 windows pop up every time at check out and then the check out screen never loads. The new online shopping experience sucks!
And printing off the order when get done is twice as long.
The whole thing is a lesson in redundancy.
More bells and whistles, less common sense.

cool that i'm the only one that knows how to use it. it was only announced e v e r y day at the huddle for two weeks to take your SAP training.

whatever. i'll end up showing everyone in the building how to do it. nbd. won't be appreciated but hey, thats the status quo 'round here.
I'm not set up for it - have been ordering for so many years that this is probably the fifth or sixth version of the new york city phone book, I mean TIPP
It's horrible I can't get any of my orders processed and then the my supports are no help "we have bugs and were working on it" well duh !
Don't even get me started....every time we've tried to get into it, we can't. Tried calling the "(not much) help desk" and they tell us "We see no issues, just keep trying". 3 days and counting without being able to order supplies :dash2:
I did my first SAP order today. Not impressed by any means. It's TIPP with fancy catagory pictures and more steps to get the same end result. Plus as mentioned before when I print off the order confirmation it is waaaaaaay longer. I barely ordered anything today (because I ordered like the world was ending when they announced the end of TIPP) and the printoff was 10 pages.

Personally I feel like they should change order systems more frequently because then I would at least get everything I ordered. The prime example being that I ordered handsoap and never got it sent to me. The final TIPP delivery included EVERYTHING I had ever ordered that had got backordered. I now have a quarter pallet of handsoap and a half pallet of jumbo toilet paper...
I haven't had any issues other than a connection problem one time while submitting an order. I am, however, the only person in the store who has successfully submitted an order. I've been helping/training others, and they have a ton of error messages when submitting, and unable to order. I log into my account and order what they need, no issues. So now, I've taken on doing the orders for everybody else, due to my "success". >_< I wouldn't mind, but with the workload what it is...
Finally tried SAP and almost everything I need I could not find. Most of the stuff is signing from brand new sets. MySupport was not help because the Signing Issue Form kept giving me an error. Hope they fix this soon.
Honestly does anybody remember that last time Target roled something out that was not a complete disaster?
and SAP was down today. I guess we're the only ones who work weekends.
Hey at least it is properly named after the people who thought of it.
Really I can't think of any real benefit to this new system other than the ETLs (who never order anything in my store) can access it on their store-provided iphones.

So I have trained almost everyone in the store now on SAP. A few people have the error issue as mentioned on the workbench message boards (urgent news) about the Cost Center field issue. I have no idea how to resolve that issue. I called CSC like it stated to do, but they said that it needed to be MySupported. There was also a message about the the Ship-To address being incorrect on some accounts. For the life of me I cannot figure out where in the world you can edit that information.

The OrderOnBehalfOf function is interesting. I tried this to see if I could circumvent another TM (actually our SFT) whose account was getting the error messages. You still get the error messages through this as well. However, I was able to log in through his account and order on behalf of myself so that was interesting. Although, I do not see a place to check the status of orders that were on behalf of someone else - they do not seem to appear in completed order columns like ones that are directly through your own shopping cart.

Signing-wise I have not been able to find a single sign that has been missing off of the latest planos so that makes it effectually useless for myself at the moment. Standard fixtures, and store items that are common I have been able to find fairly easily (however, can't find name badges in there anywhere - go figure).

So, for me - it functions probably as it should. I have run into one person with a error message that locks their account out of ordering, and another person who's TIPP access must have never transferred to SAP since they do not have the shopping carts available when they log in.
It looks like they may have fixed a couple of the problems, getting signed out and having to go back in to finish the order and the stupidly long printout for the order.
I have to say I used it today and finding results for items were faster but that is about it. And it doesn't lag like tipp would but it doesn't help that five hundred windows open , that kind of slows the process down.
Oh, selecting multiple items to order at once. This is an improvement, but i have yet to need to use it.
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