Archived Scans w/ Location % score -- some questions about processes

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Jun 23, 2011
Hi Folks - Thank you for all of the responses from my previous post about routines as a Backroom/Instocks TL. New question... with the rollout of the new Instocks process, how are you going about keeping your scores where they need to be? I had some specific questions I would like to ask.

1. How is the push-all process going in your store? Ours is becoming a challenge. I am finding the areas we are getting the biggest hits on Scans with Location% are the areas we are doing every day (specifically BPLS, PLAS, and FURN fillgroups). Which is leading me to believe our Flow team is not pushing everything to the floor. I have tried challenging this with our O/N Flow Team, but they claim they are pushing everything.

2. How do you all maintain the push, reshop, and zone processes in your stores? Our store is an Org Chart 4, A+ volume store and it seems we get the same amount of business as last year but with less payroll. Same amount of push, reshop, and zone as before (we were Org Chart 5 last year). What frustrates a lot of our team is nothing gets completed in the store, ever, which leads to trouble with Instocks. Zone is not complete (it's pretty much make it look pretty), reshop is never done, and CAFs are never pushed, leading to the Flow team having to absorb the overflow of push, so that they can't finish THEIR work, and then it gets put on the dayside team to finish (usually meaning the I/S team can't scan and has to do the overnight work). I have tried to make hedway with the zone process by sending emails to the TLs letting them know where the I/S team will be each day, but it doesn't help, this leads to when the Instocks team CAN scan, they are spending more time in an aisle zoning it before they can scan, thus not finishing the task list. This is the biggest problem, that I can tell.

3. What is equipment control like in your stores? Do your stores assign a certain amount of PDAs to teams? Our equipment control is a joke in our store because no one signs it out, and no one is willing to give up their equipment to teams that need it (mainly because they need it... Bigger problem here is we don't have enough equipment to go around). I am lucky that the O/N flow TL is good enough to give me her LPDA when she leaves but my team sometimes has to wait 1hr. after they come in to finally get equipment. Not only that but our team seems to hide and break equipment, and nothing is ever done about it.

I know I seem like I'm whining, but I am simply looking for any advice you all can give. I want to get the score back where it was (I had it Green for almost five months until the new process began, now it's scary red). I firmly believe all of our store's issues can be fixed, and I am looking for ways to do that.

Thanks in advance for all for the help!!
My advice? Scan what you can. I get the feeling that most stores are this way. Get the RIGs done, but even then you'll have to do some guess work as to where the freight is. Instocks doesn't have time to zone aisles. You've got to scan and go. I'm starting to suspect that part of the reason that only certain fill groups are scanned on certain days is that Target wants to cut down on the amount of payroll spent on Instocks. Well, that and doing push alls, sending bigger trucks, etc. My store thought it was going to be a godsend when we started scanning smaller sections of the store each day, but in reality it hasn't worked out so well. The instocks team is not able to go and scan areas that have already been pushed like they used to when they are not in the task list. For the new instocks process to work flow would have to change their schedule everyday, pushing the parts of the store with fill groups that drop into the task list that day. The flow team is not able to get the workload done as is, so asking them to change up their routine daily is probably not going to help that situation. Instocks has changed drastically several times in the 5 years that I've been with the company.

Overall just scan what you can, use your best judgement with counts, and focus on pushing freight and/or returns if your store is so behind that it's causing your count ups and drastic counts to go haywire.
You may have something there... I'll look into making sure the flow team is prioritizing pushing where we need to scan. Our Group Ops Leader sent out an email that pretty much said it is the expectation that the Instocks Team has to zone the aisle if the aisle is not zoned (but I agree with you... I have told them if the aisle is that bad, skip it). I do find it funny that they are cutting our payroll and Instocks is a Q3 focus. Thanks so much!!
Best thing to do is get the flow team on a normal routine. Example every day they work grocery, D & E before anything else, the move on from there. Instocks should be able to jump in behind them worst case when they catch up they might either skip that area for now or zone some of the bad aisles while they wait. I do realize this is not always feasible sometimes our instocks team jumps in and helps with last bit of freight so they can scan, if they help more then an aisle or two we try to return the favor by helping them.
BPLS and PLAS this time of year are usually bad because of BTC product. FURN is an odd one because a lot of the items will not pull correctly, ottomans will not pull for some reason at our store among other things. So that is something to look at, we usually will EXF it on occasion to not take the hit. Best way to improve your scans with locations score is more scans (hoping you don't scan a million things with location). The more scans you have its a higher probability youll find stuff with no locations in the back and improve your overall score, just do a bunch of stand alones in areas you know wont be bad.
Honestly I know every store is going through the same thing; same amount of work if not more work and less hours. However if every work center is not finishing and leaving something for the next shift and the next shift and so on, you will never get ahead and your scores will struggle.
You may have something there... I'll look into making sure the flow team is prioritizing pushing where we need to scan. Our Group Ops Leader sent out an email that pretty much said it is the expectation that the Instocks Team has to zone the aisle if the aisle is not zoned (but I agree with you... I have told them if the aisle is that bad, skip it). I do find it funny that they are cutting our payroll and Instocks is a Q3 focus. Thanks so much!!

There is definitely something up with payroll... It is pretty close to the worst I have seen it in a while and it makes me think it is on purpose! I would agree with a majority of the thread and posters that Target seems to be in money saving mode this quarter for sure and saving expenses wherever they can (Instocks seems to be the best example)...
when scanning a location and it has no OH product, but it has a backroom location and you zero that out for it to come out on a pull does that hurt the scan with loc % score?
Hi Folks - Thank you for all of the responses from my previous post about routines as a Backroom/Instocks TL. New question... with the rollout of the new Instocks process, how are you going about keeping your scores where they need to be? I had some specific questions I would like to ask.

1. How is the push-all process going in your store? Ours is becoming a challenge. I am finding the areas we are getting the biggest hits on Scans with Location% are the areas we are doing every day (specifically BPLS, PLAS, and FURN fillgroups). Which is leading me to believe our Flow team is not pushing everything to the floor. I have tried challenging this with our O/N Flow Team, but they claim they are pushing everything.

2. How do you all maintain the push, reshop, and zone processes in your stores? Our store is an Org Chart 4, A+ volume store and it seems we get the same amount of business as last year but with less payroll. Same amount of push, reshop, and zone as before (we were Org Chart 5 last year). What frustrates a lot of our team is nothing gets completed in the store, ever, which leads to trouble with Instocks. Zone is not complete (it's pretty much make it look pretty), reshop is never done, and CAFs are never pushed, leading to the Flow team having to absorb the overflow of push, so that they can't finish THEIR work, and then it gets put on the dayside team to finish (usually meaning the I/S team can't scan and has to do the overnight work). I have tried to make hedway with the zone process by sending emails to the TLs letting them know where the I/S team will be each day, but it doesn't help, this leads to when the Instocks team CAN scan, they are spending more time in an aisle zoning it before they can scan, thus not finishing the task list. This is the biggest problem, that I can tell.

3. What is equipment control like in your stores? Do your stores assign a certain amount of PDAs to teams? Our equipment control is a joke in our store because no one signs it out, and no one is willing to give up their equipment to teams that need it (mainly because they need it... Bigger problem here is we don't have enough equipment to go around). I am lucky that the O/N flow TL is good enough to give me her LPDA when she leaves but my team sometimes has to wait 1hr. after they come in to finally get equipment. Not only that but our team seems to hide and break equipment, and nothing is ever done about it.

I know I seem like I'm whining, but I am simply looking for any advice you all can give. I want to get the score back where it was (I had it Green for almost five months until the new process began, now it's scary red). I firmly believe all of our store's issues can be fixed, and I am looking for ways to do that.

Thanks in advance for all for the help!!

I agree with a previous poster...just make sure that your RIGS get done. AD in stocks are a top priority. Just remember that it is BTS and times are tough. Lots of reshot, very little hours allocated. Just scan what you can, when you can. Use stand alone research to hit bad areas. If you see an aisle that looks horrible, research it and move on, at least you can speak to it. Trust me when I tell you that you are not alone and your STLs and ETLs are feeling the pinch and they understand. Payroll is the number one controllable expense, so it is going to get hacked first. Hang in there bud.
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