Archived Schedule and hour conflicts!?!

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Jul 21, 2015
For starts i know hours after year end holidays are LOW. Not my real issue. My issue is that lately everytime i request a day off it isn't counted as my normal 2 it is an extra day off. Does anyone else have this issue yes i know i need to talk to hr but just curious if its a common target thing.

My other issue is that i am one of 3 operators. The main op has a set schedule she always gets her 40 hrs weekly only works mon -fri no weekends and only works 8am to 430pm no nights. Apparently this is what she was promised by old management and its set in stone forever.....well that means me and the 2nd op can only work nights mon - fri and if we dont request to be off we are always working weekends. I went to my etl and hr etl explained i would i need a schedule change bcus having a child in school now i can't only work nights mon-fri to 11. Wrapping it up inwas told fine put availability change in and it will get u regular softlines floor time. Did that kept getting auto denied hr etl put it in manually and now instead of a normal 5 day work week i got 4 days off in a row mon to thurs go back to closing this fri and working the usual weekend.

What gives if everyone hrs are supposed to be cut why does one op get her 40 no matter what the other gets 28 and im down to 17...why can i not get the hrs i want if its reasonable request all i need is mon tues n wed to be off by 8pm everything else is open availability. Is there some system thing that makes it to where if u are working in a set area ur availability is affected by the others in your area??

Sorry for the long rant and explanation but im lost now and the way my hr dept/store is setup im not gonna get any real help. Any ideas suggestions is this something that needs to go above my stores head cus i honestly feel like its foul play and unfair especially for all the work im asked of
That op honestly sounds a lot like the one at my store, and she gets the full time hours because she is really, really good at her job and the TL and ETL would be screwed if she wasn't there 5 days a week keeping up with reshop and setting all of the adjacencies herself.

Is it fair to the other TMs? Of course not. But the ETLs are running a business and she is an extremely effective resource.
Well she isn't trust me..... nobody likes her cus she doesn't do anything at all and gets away with it at most she may do reshop but she doesn't help put it out like me and the other op are expected to she doesnt even sort the reshop correctly but the min anyone else does something wrong its a crime. Me and the other op do way more then she does shes been back there for some time but still its one thing if she was an actual good worker but she isnt
Well she isn't trust me..... nobody likes her cus she doesn't do anything at all and gets away with it at most she may do reshop but she doesn't help put it out like me and the other op are expected to she doesnt even sort the reshop correctly but the min anyone else does something wrong its a crime. Me and the other op do way more then she does shes been back there for some time but still its one thing if she was an actual good worker but she isnt
I have three tm like this. They have been at my store since open. They get special treatment, always get their forty hours, set schedule, etc. Only in the past year have they been made to change. One actually told a new stl that he had a contract to only work his shift Mon-Fri for the full forty hours...he was so adamant they actually looked for one...

...there's not much you can do. Eventually new management might be willing to cut get hours or schedule you what you want. It might be soon, it might be years from now (we waited six years).
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